
**This site is no longer being maintained/updated -- please visit our new homepage for the latest information**

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Songs for Saturday, June 1, 2013

UPDATE (5/30) - Father's changes to our program our marked below. The changes are pretty minor -- one song was swapped and 'We Are One Body' has once again been nixed...

This coming Saturday is the Feast of the Body & Blood of Christ. It's also the last Sunday of Easter before we switch back to Ordinary Time on June 8th.

A few notes: Chip will be covering for Zach once again on bass. Jim may be out again and Paul won't be able to make it either. My sister may also be out as well. In the case that all three of them are out, I'll be acting-director for the night.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Songs for Saturday, May 25, 2013

This weekend is Trinity Sunday. As previously mentioned, Jim will be out. Paul and Barry will be covering guitar, while Chip will be covering bass guitar in Zach's absence.

For those of you who weren't at Mass last week, Chip is our new bass guitar player. Chip and his wife left the Parish for a time, and only recently came back. Over the next month or so, he'll be filling in for Zach as needed, and after Zach heads off to college, Chip will become his long-term replacement. Make sure to introduce yourself when you get the chance!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Songs for Saturday, May 18, 2013

Remember, it's Pentecost! Wear RED!

UPDATE: (5/16): Father has made some revisions to our program (he did the same to the selections of the other Choirs). Changes are highlighted below.

The Time and Talent fair will also follow Mass - let's try to reach out and bring some new folks on-board. There is a general 'Music Ministry' paper on the table, but it would be a good idea to make an announcement outlining our specific needs at the end of Mass.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Notes for Next Two Weeks - 5/18 & 5/25

For those of you who weren't at practice this evening, here are a few notes/updates as we go into the summer. We went over materials for the next two weeks since Jim will be out 5/25 (Paul & Barry will cover guitar in his absence):
  • Jonathan will be on a summer music tour through the end of August, so Jim, Karina, Emily, and Cris are the ad-hoc directors/section leaders.
  • Jim has music selected for this month; Karina will be selecting for June, and Cris for July.
  • We'll be limiting after-mass rehearsals to one or two times per month, due to issues with the dinner schedule (we'll order pizzas for those sessions) and because lots of people will be out anyway.
  • I'd like to use at least part of those rehearsals to cover material Jonathan would like us to learn before the end of August (mainly, perfecting Mass of Joy & Peace, as well as learning parts for "We Gotta Love" and "Shout to the Lord").
  • With Zach being out for the next two weeks, Jim has recruited a new guy, Chip, to cover bass guitar. He'll also be back to cover in July when Zach is out again.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Music for Saturday, May 11, 2013

I'm still figuring out the best way to do this, but for now, here's the music for this Saturday (can also be viewed on the group calendar or in Jim's email):

Sunday, May 5, 2013

GSC Mass Appeal is now Online!

With Jonathan leaving tomorrow, I wanted to get this site up-and-running as soon as possible. There are several sections that aren't yet finished, but the blog is otherwise fully operational. Most notably, the repertoire sections are largely incomplete (beyond a basic template for future use) and Barry and I still need to work out the multimedia aspects.

On the other hand, the group calendar is up and running. If you'd like to be able to edit it (that is, schedule new events, edit existing ones, etc.), let me know and I'll send you a share invitation.

I'm hoping to begin posting music and/or a basic plan for next Saturday (May 11th) very soon. Even though I do have a blog of my own, this is my first time administering one for a group, so please bear with me. If it turns out that this is too much for me to handle on my own, I may ask one or two other people to become admins to help me out a bit.

Do let me know what you think so far, and feel free to email with any questions!