
**This site is no longer being maintained/updated -- please visit our new homepage for the latest information**

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Songs & Updates for Saturday, August 29, 2015

This Saturday is the 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time.
Despite a few rough spots here and there, mass went OK last week. Huge thanks to Tom for being our solo guitar coverage! I know it wasn't easy and definitely not ideal, but I really appreciate it! I also apologize for any bad or confusing cues I may have given -- with everything that was going on, I was a bit scatterbrained.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Songs & Updates for Saturday, August 22, 2015

This Saturday is the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Mass went pretty smoothly last week. We ran into a few communications issues with the Communion song, but otherwise, no major problems. We also continued using one of the 11:00 sound profiles, which seems to work OK overall. Thanks as always to everyone who was able to be there!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Songs & Updates for Saturday, August 15, 2015

This Saturday is the 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time.

The Feast of the Assumption of Mary also falls on Saturday this year.
Mass went pretty smoothly last week with quite a few strong pieces. Thanks as always to everyone who was able to make it!

The sound system was working, but we used a different sound profile since the one for our group didn't appear on the list.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Songs & Updates for Saturday, August 8, 2015

This Saturday is the 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time.
There where a few rough patches here and there, but mass went fairly well last week. Huge thanks to Chip for being our solo guitarist and Jaclyn for singing with us for the past few months! Jaclyn won't be able to join us again until December.

We once again ran without microphones, since I got feedback the moment I pressed the un-mute button. The ambo microphone also didn't work, which caused issues when we did the Psalm.