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Monday, November 25, 2013

Songs for Saturday, November 30, 2013

This Saturday is the 1st Sunday of Advent, and the beginning of a new Church liturgical year.

We were not at mass last week, but I do have a few updates (OK...more than just a few...).

Jonathan will be late (5:30-ish), so we're going to attempt to pull together the Communion Meditation (an arrangement of 'Each Winter as the Year Grows Older') before mass on our own (it looks like I'll be heading that). It's somewhat faster and features dedicated sax, flute, and piano (Jonathan) parts. I'd at least like to give this a shot, but if we find that it's not working, we can drop it entirely.

Just a reminder that we're switching to Mass of Joy & Peace starting this week. Also, this week only, we'll be singing 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel' for the Advent wreath-lighting/blessing of Advent wreaths (right before Offertory). It may work well to do this a capella.

Our Psalm throughout Advent will be 'My Soul in Stillness Waits' -- any volunteers to cover it this week (verses 1 & 2 only)?

For 'Bring Forth the Kingdom', we'll need four voices to handle the cantor parts of the verses (as per Father's request). I'll cover one of the verses -- any takers for the other three?

Even though it'll be Thanksgiving weekend, we are planning to work on Advent/Christmas music after mass (especially since we didn't rehearse last week). Please stick around if you can (anyone up for covering dinner?).

Finally, Thanksgiving mass is being held at 7 PM on Wednesday -- I believe Barb's group is covering. Feel free to join them.

Here are the songs for Saturday:

SS 60 - To You, O God, I Lift Up My Soul

Penitential Rite (Father Charlie):

Response (need cantor):
GC 328 - My Soul in Stillness Waits (based on Psalm 95), verses 1-2

Alleluia (need cantor):

Wreath-Lighting/Blessing of Advent Wreaths:
GC 317 - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (a capella)

SS 112 - Go Light Your World

Communion Meditation:
GC 339 - Each Winter as the Year Grows Older (arranged)

SS 174 - Come, Lord Jesus

Closing (need verse cantors):
GC 658 - Bring Forth the Kingdom

Happy Thanksgiving, all!

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