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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, January 18, 2014

This Saturday is the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time.

We finally returned to our normal practice routine last week with rehearsal after mass. We went over choir parts for the Mass of Joy & Peace Gloria. We'll be using this setting through the end of Lent.

In addition, we started working with 'Shout to the Lord' once more. 'Shout' is a piece we started shortly before Jonathan's summer tour last year. We'll most likely use it as a prelude or meditation song sometime in the near future (no date set yet).

Also, a huge shout-out to Mr. Joe for not only bringing dinner but also discovering why we didn't have power to the sound system in the choir section. The number one rule when working IT tech support: make sure it's plugged in :-)

We have a new addition to the group as well -- Lorna joined us this week and most likely will be sticking around. Make sure to introduce yourself if you haven't already and make her feel welcome.

Jonathan Jim has music selection covered for the remainder of this month. Any takers for February?

Jonathan is out this Saturday. Karina and I will also be out for the next several weeks due to other concert/drama commitments. Because of this, there will not be practice after mass this week.

Finally, I've made our group calendar public so it can be viewed without being logged in under a specific account. It can be found here on the website under the 'Calendar' section. It's currently up to date.

Songs for this week TBA.

GC 744 - Gather Us In

Glory to God:
Mass of Joy & Peace

SS 84 - I Rejoiced (Psalm 122)

Mass of Joy & Peace

GC 733 - We Are Many Parts


                                             Grace Revealed
                                   Words & Music by Jim Herbert

In my soul there's a place where God takes hold, by His grace, He is known unto me,
Leading me with everlasting love, a flowered gift waiting to unfold.
Oh, it's mystical, as the beating of a heart, as this life He shares with me.
Though this grace, allowing me the space to live His truth each and every day.
Thoughtful prayer helps me become aware, I am loved by God -- just for being.

Oh, it's mystical as the setting of the sun -- lighting up a blazing sky.
I know the grace that He sends forth is like a breeze on a gentle sail,
Only known where it's open wide.

Awake in me the goodness You provide, 
share the mystery of love that Christ has shown.
Let me love in order to be known connecting me with those on this path.
I know the grace that He sends forth is like a breeze on a gentle sail,
Only known when it's open wide.

Thoughtful prayer helps me become aware,
I am loved by God -- just for being,
I am loved by God -- just for being.

SS 157 - Bread for the World

GC 735 - They'll Know We Are Christians

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