
**This site is no longer being maintained/updated -- please visit our new homepage for the latest information**

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Songs & Updates for Saturday, May 30, 2015

This Saturday is Trinity Sunday.
We had several instrumentalists out last week, but most of the songs went pretty well. Huge thanks to everyone who was able to make it!

Since it was a holiday weekend, we did not practice, but a few of us did stay to visit/help out with the Time and Talent Fair in the Parish Hall. As far as I know, we weren't able to recruit any new people, but we may want to try again this week.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Songs & Updates for Saturday, May 23, 2015

This Saturday is Pentecost Sunday.
Mass seemed to go fairly well last week -- thanks to everyone who was able to be there!

We stuck around afterward for a bite of dinner (thanks, Cindy!), but ultimately didn't do much in the way of practicing.

Ginny found us a nice plastic container to store our smaller percussion instruments in, replacing that old cardboard box. We also organized the three sets of mass setting booklets in plastic trays in the center section of the cabinet.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Songs & Updates for Saturday, May 16, 2015

This Saturday is the 7th Sunday of Easter.
We had several instrumentalists out last week, but a pretty nice-sized group of singers. Huge thanks to Zach for helping out with guitar and everyone else who was able to make it! For those unaware, Zach will be with us for the next several months while on break from college.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Songs & Updates for Saturday, May 9, 2015

This Saturday is the 6th Sunday or Easter.
Despite having several guitarists out last week, mass went pretty well! Cindy played accompaniment for everything except for the Psalm, which was covered by guitar, bass and melodic instruments. Huge thanks to everyone who was able to make it!

We also had some issues with feedback over the sound system, probably due to some adjustments made by musicians from OLV who covered a wedding earlier that afternoon. Adjusting one of the dials behind the board seemed to get rid of the problem.

Ginny and I stuck around after mass to look at a few songs for this Saturday with Cindy, including 'All the Ends of the Earth', 'In This Place', and 'With One Voice'.