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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Songs & Updates for Saturday, May 23, 2015

This Saturday is Pentecost Sunday.
Mass seemed to go fairly well last week -- thanks to everyone who was able to be there!

We stuck around afterward for a bite of dinner (thanks, Cindy!), but ultimately didn't do much in the way of practicing.

Ginny found us a nice plastic container to store our smaller percussion instruments in, replacing that old cardboard box. We also organized the three sets of mass setting booklets in plastic trays in the center section of the cabinet.

We did have a prelude on the board for this week, 'God Has Chosen Me', but I asked Barb to take it out of the program since we haven't done much with it yet. Once we've had a chance to work on this piece more, I'll try programming it again.

For the Psalm, Barb was in touch with me and suggested we switch to one more appropriate for Pentecost (she's doing the same for her group). The GC version of 'Lord, Send Out Your Spirit' isn't as fun as the one in Spirit & Song, but since I'm guessing we'll have a smaller group this week, it should be easier to pull off. If anyone is up for doing this, please let me know.

We experimented a bit with the tempo on 'Resucito' and I think we've finally nailed it. We also tried using the coda as an intro and going straight into the singing from there, but I don't think this worked particularly well. We should sort this out before mass.

The Time and Talent Fair will follow all weekend masses in the Parish Hall. I don't believe there's a table representing the music ministry, but it would be good for one of us to make an announcement at the end of mass to try to recruit new people. I'd love to expand our core group of singers, and also find someone to play percussion regularly.

Finally, it's been brought to my attention that we need to have a better idea of which instrumentalists are planning to be at mass each week so their aren't any surprises. I know that generally, this isn't an issue, but with summer right around the corner, we all have things going on.

I'd like to request that going forward, if you're tied up on Saturday, please put out an email to the group so we're all on the same page. I know things come up at the last minute that can't be helped, but if you're able to give everyone a heads up, we can try to coordinate and make sure there's coverage. Thanks!

Jim is out this week.

Since it's Memorial Day weekend, I'm canceling regular practice after mass. I hope you all have a chance to enjoy the holiday!

UPDATE (5/21): Barb just let me know that Father would like us to use part of the song 'Spirit of the Living God' at mass on Saturday after the new members of the Parish Council are announced. We'll do it a capella -- the lyrics will be in the program and we also have sheet music, but note Father has modified the arrangement a bit.

We'll sing 'spirit of the living God...' from bar 1 through bar 18 before returning to the top and singing a second verse. For the second verse, the word 'me' will be replaced with 'us'. Near the end of the song, we'll jump from bar 14 to bar 17 to wrap up the piece, only singing 'fall afresh on me' once rather than twice. Does that all make sense? Feel free to let me know if any questions.

This song is vaguely familiar to me (perhaps Father has sung it at mass before?), but if you don't know it, please look it over before Saturday.

Here are the songs for Saturday:

GC 682 - God Has Chosen Me

SS 106 - City of God
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Glory to God (Sprinkling Rite):
Mass of Remembrance

Response (need one):
SS 82 - This is the Day (Psalm 118)
GC 101 Lord, Send Out Your Spirit (Psalm 104)
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation (need one):
Mass of Remembrance

SS 116 - Holy Spirit
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Remembrance

Lamb of God:
Mass of Remembrance

GC 432 - Resucitó
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

SS 113 - Go Make a Difference
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

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