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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Songs & Updates for Saturday, September 26, 2015

This Saturday is the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Mass went pretty well last week -- thanks as always to everyone who was able to be there!

I really liked the addition of tambourine on several pieces last week. The tambourine seemed to work much better than the egg shaker since it more closely resembled having 'real' percussion. The only suggestion I have is to make sure the beat is regular and steady, even if that means not singing and focusing only on playing the instrument.

I'm hoping to select the music for October this week and will get that sent off to the Office for approval.

We did this piece a few weeks ago, but if you're not familiar with 'Canticle of the Turning', please look it over before Saturday (the verses are a bit 'wordy'). Let's also plan to use the same arrangement as last time, including a guitar intro/interlude from "wipe away all tears...".

If you'd be interested in cantoring the Psalm, 'Your Words Are Spirit and Life', please let me know.

Finally, as we approach October, I'd like to restart regular practices. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on the best way to approach that, I'm open to ideas.

GC 556 - Canticle of the Turning
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Glory to God:
Mass of Creation

Response (need one):
SS 56 - Your Words Are Spirit and Life (Psalm 19)
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation (need one):
Mass of Creation

SS 119 – I Will Choose Christ
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation

Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation

SS 167 - We Come Today
GC 593 - We Remember
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

SS 113 - Go Make a Difference
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

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