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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Songs & Updates for Saturday, May 27, 2017

This Saturday is the 7th Sunday of Easter.
Mass last week was pretty solid. Special thanks to Grace for cantoring, and Eva for the last-minute piano coverage. It was also nice to have Maggie back after a few weeks without a melodic instrument.

The music for June has been sent to the Office for approval.

I'm considering a major redesign of the website using a much more modern template. The current site is functional and has served us well, but I've just about reached the limit of what I can do with it. Stay tuned for more info on this.

Mass for Ascension is this Wednesday, 05/24, at 7 PM. Barb's group is covering. Feel free to come join in the singing.

Looking ahead, 06/03 is Pentecost, as well as Time & Talent weekend. Please plan to wear red (Father gave me one of the new t-shirts, so I guess that's a hint :-). This is also a chance to recruit new musicians. We usually don't have much luck, but I'll give the obligatory announcement anyway and will stick around for a bit afterwards. If anyone else is free to do the same, that would be great.

Father also requested that I pick a new Gathering or Closing song for Pentecost. The song I've selected (pending approval) is GC3 #555, Spirit Blowing Through Creation. The tune is vaguely familiar, but we haven't done it before as far as I know. Please take some time to look at this (here). Let's also tentatively plan to meet at 4 PM that Saturday to go through it.

I've asked Eva to cover for me this week. As always, please email, call or text if you need anything; otherwise, I'll leave you guys to it.

If I don't see you, Happy Memorial Day!

SS #192 – Mountain of God
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Glory to God:
Storrington Mass

GC3 #041 – Ps 27 – The Lord is My Light
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation:
Storrington Mass

SS #116 – Holy Spirit
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Storrington Mass

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Storrington Mass

Eucharistic Doxology:
Storrington Mass

Lamb of God:
Storrington Mass

SS #153 – I Am the Bread of Life

GC3 #686 - Blest Be the Lord
GC3 #535 – Resucito
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

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