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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Songs for Saturday, September 21, 2013

This Saturday is the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Karina and I will not be at mass this week (due to Karina's birthday party) and Barry is also out. Additionally, Karina is out the following Saturday, 9/28, due to a BEAHS event.

Jim has volunteered to cover music selection for the month of October, so we should be good-to-go there. I'd like to tentatively plan to rehearse music for October after mass on the 28th.

Speaking of that, at some point, would we like to resume weekly or bi-weekly practices now that summer is coming to a close? I think we could all benefit from the extra practice time so we're not constantly scrambling to pull things together before mass. Thoughts?

Also, did anyone else notice that the entire Henderson family (11:00 Choir) was present at mass last week? Just an observation since I don't believe I've ever seen them at 5:30 in my three years with you guys.

Other than that, no major updates for this week.

Here's the music for Saturday:

GC 496 - Canticle of the Sun

Response (Erol & Lisa P.):
SS 60 - To You O God, I Lift Up My Soul (Psalm 25)

Alleluia (Ginny & Erol)

GC 699 - We Have Been Told

GC 649 - You Are Mine

SS 116 - Holy Spirit

See ya'll in two weeks :-)

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