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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Songs for Saturday, November 23, 2013

This Saturday is the Feast of Christ the King.

At practice last week, we went over several songs for Advent. First, we took a quick peek at Jonathan's new arrangement of 'Each Winter as the Year Grows Older'. It's now a slow-building piece with dedicated sax, flute, and piano parts.

We also learned voice parts for 'Comfort, Comfort, O My People', which we'll be using the First Second Sunday of Advent as our opening. Jim and I learned the tenor part, while Lisa P. and Emily took on the soprano part. Since we haven't done this one before, please try to learn the melody between now and the First Second Sunday of Advent (those of you who weren't at practice but plan be at mass in two three weeks).

Finally we played with 'Bring Forth the Kingdom', including the cantor/response parts. This will be our closing song for all of Advent.

This week, Jonathan, Ginny, Barry, Karina, and I are all out. Jim, Lisa K., Lisa P., Barry, and Chip will be holding down the fort. If you're able to help them out, I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

We will not be practicing this week, so we'll have to pull together/finalize 'Each Winter' and 'Comfort, Comfort' before mass on 11/30.

Here are the songs for this Saturday:

GC 486 - The King of Glory

Response (need one):
SS 84 - I Rejoiced (Psalm 122)

Alleluia (need one):

GC 593 - We Remember

SS 167 - We Come Today

GC 485 - Crown Him With Many Crowns

See you in two weeks!

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