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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, February 8, 2014

This Saturday is the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time.

Karina and I are finally back this week. Karina has a District Band concert in Lewistown on Saturday, but we should get home in plenty of time for practice/mass.

I've enjoyed my tenure working with the 9:00 Choir these past few weeks, but I was really starting to miss you guys. I got the chance to practice singing tenor on the group's more traditional tunes, and may even have some new pieces to introduce at some point :-)

Ginny has music selection covered for February.

We are practicing after mass -- Ginny is taking care of dinner.

Here are the songs for Saturday:

GC 658 - Bring Forth the Kingdom

Glory to God:
Mass of Joy and Peace

GC 125 - Blest Are Those Who Love You (Psalm 128)
GC 39 - The Lord is My Light (Psalm 27)

Mass of Joy & Peace

GC 508 - We Are the Light of the World

SS 105 - Christ Be Our Light

SS 113 - Go Make a Difference

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