After mass last week, we worked on 'I Have Been Anointed'. We seem to be in a pretty good place with the parts, and have a tentative form sketched out for next time.
We also worked on 'Holy Spirit'. The new structure for this song is as follows:
- Guitar intro
- All voices on melody first time
- Women break into parts second time (soprano/alto)
- Men break into parts third time (tenor)
- Choir splits between verse text and refrain text during verse (as written).
- During forth refrain, sax solo over verse (in F Major) for two cycles
- Last time, refrain repeated three times, ending in a capella refrain.
Jim, Maggie, Karina and I are out this week. Karina and Jonathan are out the following week.
There will be NO PRACTICE after mass since we'll be short on people.
I'm holding off on posting the program since it's being revised to accommodate a smaller choir and the holiday weekend. Please check back later -- thanks!
UPDATE: here is the revised program for this week:
'I Have Been Anointed' - Steve Warner
Voice Parts: (soprano) (alto) (tenor) (bass)
SS 126 - Lift Up Your Hearts
Glory to God:
Mass of Remembrance
SS 69 - Let All the Earth (Psalm 66)
Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Remembrance
GC 699 - We Have Been Told
Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Remembrance
Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Remembrance
Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Remembrance:
Lamb of God:
Mass of Remembrance
GC 838 - Eat This Bread
GC 890 - America the Beautiful
Happy Memorial Day, all!
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