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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Songs for Saturday, October 5, 2013

This Saturday is the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Ginny, Jim, Emily, Lisa K., and I practiced the music for October after mass last week. It's essentially the music we did three years ago with a few minor tweaks. Changes had to be made to this week's music since it's a Baptism, and several Psalms were switched for the rest of the month. I'll plan to cover music selection for November.

Since Jonathan will be out the middle two weeks in October (10/12 & 10/19), we're going to hold off on reinstating regular practices until after he's back.

Any volunteers to cover Psalms or Alleluias this month (with the exception of the Psalm on the 30th, which Ginny claimed)?

Karina is once again out this week -- she's participating in Youth Ministry Sleep-Out Saturday on the Church lawn (what's left of it, anyway...). Jonathan/Jim: I believe she's still planning to record with you guys before or after mass.

Here are the songs for this Saturday:

Mass of Creation 'Gloria'

Response (volunteers?):
SS 62 - Taste and See (Psalm 34)

Alleluia (volunteers?):

Sprinkling Rite:
SS 209 - There is a Well

GC 649 - You Are Mine

SS 195 - On Eagle's Wings

GC 602 - Though the Mountains May Fall

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