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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Songs for Saturday, September 28, 2013

This Saturday is the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Karina and I, as well as quite a few others, were not at mass last week. Sources tell me that Jonathan found some rather creative solutions for the lack of instruments, and huge thanks to Paul once more for filling in.

Also last Saturday, I got a message from Chip (I didn't see it in time due to the party we were hosting) saying that he and Kay wouldn't be attending because Kay fell and hurt her foot to the point of not being able to walk. Please keep Kay in your prayers this week.

Just a reminder that Karina will not be at mass this Saturday due to a BEAHS event, and unavailable the week after (10/5) due to Youth Ministry Sleep-Out Saturday (Jonathan/Jim: she may want to do that recording with you guys before or after mass 10/5, though.).

 If everyone's up to it, I'd like to rehearse after mass this week to go over music for October (note the first Saturday in October is a Baptism). Please let me know if you're able to stay, and we'll plan to order pizza as usual.

Going into October, we may be reinstating weekly practices. It would be good to start going over music the week before so there's not so much confusion right before mass. Jonathan would also like to work on bigger pieces that we started before his summer tour (such as 'We Gotta Love', etc.).

We're also discussing how to handle dinner since what we've done in the past (different people bringing a meal each week) has been causing too many logistical problems. So far, there are two possibilities: 1) no dinner -- everyone eats before coming, or 2) everyone brings their own bagged dinner, we eat together, and then practice. Any thoughts/preferences?

Here are the songs for this week:

Alleluia (Cris & Grace)

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