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Monday, March 17, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, March 22, 2014

This Saturday is the Third Sunday of Lent.
Mass last week was a little rough in places, but we made it through. Special thanks once again to Erin for her percussion work on several pieces. Nice job!

We ran into a minor issue with the iPad battery being drained, but after some time on the dock, it was charged enough for use at mass.

Father didn't like us using 'Indescribable' as a Communion song since it doesn't have a 'refrain that repeats'. Perhaps next time it should be used as a prelude or Meditation.

Father also let us know that from now on, the Alleluia is to be sung from the cantor mic in the Choir, rather than up on the podium. Apparently, using the podium interferes with the bringing up of the book.

At practice, we went over the songs for this week, including voice parts for the Psalm (see below). We also continued work on 'Shout to the Lord' in sectionals for use later this Easter (thanks to Emily for taking charge of the women). It's really starting to sound good :-)

Who would like to cover the Alleluia this week? We'll be using the Week Three verse.

There will be practice after mass -- Ginny has dinner covered.

Karina and I are out this week. Karina had a home Drum Line competition; I'll be on Retreat with 10th Grade TYM.

Here are the songs for this week:

(click songs titles for audio)

GC 743 - Come to Us

Penitential Rite:
GC 398 - Hold Us in Your Mercy

Response (Lisa K.):
SS 74 - If Today
Choir Parts: (lead) (alto) (tenor)

Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Remembrance

GC 386 - Hosea

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Remembrance

Lamb of God:
Mass of Remembrance

GC 699 - We Have Been Told

SS 101 - Beyond the Days

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