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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, March 8, 2014

This Saturday is the First Sunday of Lent.
Once again, sorry for the long post. It was another busy Saturday last weekend, so bear with me.

We pulled off a reasonably good rendition of 'Shout to the Lord' as a prelude. Nice job, all! Also, special thanks to the Davis family for filling in some gaps in our ranks, and welcome back Maggie to our group! We'll continue to work on this piece in the coming months for possible use at Easter Sunday mass.

After mass, several of us spoke with two kids who would be interested in working with us, Erin (percussion), and Garrett (sax/piano), as well as their mom Marion.

We discussed some communication issues regarding making sure everyone's aware of any revisions to our music (thanks Barry for bringing this up). Bottom line: if you become aware of any changes, please let the rest of the group know ASAP. I'll update the post here on the website as well to reflect any changes, and will also get those out by email.

We also got a run-down of all the songs Jonathan has picked for this month, and made a few minor changes. We ran through the selections for this week.

We also worked on revised Mass of Remembrance, which we'll start using this week. Ginny and I will lead vocals from the cantor mic, freeing up Jim to focus on learning the melody. Between Barry and I, there are now plenty of practice materials up on the new Mass of Remembrance page.

Just a quick note that we will not be a Gloria during Lent -- instead, we'll use a Penitential Rite, GC 398, Hold Us in Your Mercy (instrumentalists should learn this). Also, the normal Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia) will be replaced with the Lenten Gospel Acclamation, with different verses for each week.

Finally, we blew the dust off 'Indescribable', which we'll be using as our Communion song next week.

Our Gathering Song this week (and for the rest of Lent) is a new one -- we didn't get to review this, so please look it over before Saturday.

UPDATE (4/4): the Office has just let all three groups know that our response to the Prayers of the Faithful has been changed to:

                                                                     Hear our prayer,
                                                                     Hear our prayer,
                                                                     God of mercy,
                                                                     Hear our prayer.

Jonathan is out this Saturday. In a break in her schedule, Karina will be with us this week, but not for the rest of Lent.

There is practice after mass this week -- any takers on dinner?

Here are the songs for this week:

UPDATE (4/7): thanks to Barry, sheet music and audio for most of this week's songs are now available (I was previously missing some materials). Amongst them is a very nice recording of GC 398.

GC 743 - Come to Us

Penitential Rite (Father Cantors):
GC 398 - Hold Us In Your Mercy

Response (Lisa K.):
SS 66 - Be Merciful, O Lord (Psalm 51)

Lenten Gospel Acclamation (Cris & Ginny):
Mass of Remembrance

Rite of Dismissal:

Come to Us
Text and Tune: Rory Cooney, b.1952. © 1986, North American Liturgy Resources

Come to me, come to us, you who are burdened.
Come to the world, and come to the meal.
Come without question or pressure or price:
Come, be embraced by the body of Christ.

SS 119 - I Will Choose Christ
GC 384 - Forty Days and Forty Nights

Holy, Holy:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Remembrance

Lamb of God:
Mass of Remembrance

GC 881 - Remember Your Love

SS 101 - Beyond the Days

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