
**This site is no longer being maintained/updated -- please visit our new homepage for the latest information**

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, May 3, 2014

This Saturday is the Third Sunday of Easter.

Karina and I were out last week, so I don't really have any updates.

As per Jonathan's last email, don't forget to sign up to cover dinner for upcoming Saturdays through early June. The same goes for section leaders.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, April 26, 2014

This Saturday is the Second Sunday of Easter.
A huge thanks to all of you who were involved in Easter masses this past week!! We did it -- we survived the big week! The Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil masses covered by Barb's group also went quite well. It was great to see the combined forces of our three groups come together to make that happen.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Songs & Updates for Holy Week 2014

This week is Triduum/Holy Week!
 There's quite a bit going on, so please bear with me.

Last week after mass, we started reviewing songs for the two masses we'll be covering: 2 PM Good Friday and 9 AM Easter Sunday (Parish Hall). We made a few changes to our programs along the way.

We'll be practicing again on Tuesday, April 15 (tomorrow) to work on pieces we didn't get to on Saturday. This extra practice was also scheduled for anyone from the other groups who are planning to join us, but it looks like that won't be a big concern.

There's also a mass rehearsal in the Church starting at 5:30 PM that night that Jonathan will be attending. Depending on when that lets out, we'll either practice in the Church or in the new Parish Hall starting around 7 PM.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, April 12, 2014

This Saturday is Palm Sunday.
Things went fairly well at mass last week. There were a few minor issues since we had Father Christian filling in for Charlie, but nothing too serious.