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Monday, April 14, 2014

Songs & Updates for Holy Week 2014

This week is Triduum/Holy Week!
 There's quite a bit going on, so please bear with me.

Last week after mass, we started reviewing songs for the two masses we'll be covering: 2 PM Good Friday and 9 AM Easter Sunday (Parish Hall). We made a few changes to our programs along the way.

We'll be practicing again on Tuesday, April 15 (tomorrow) to work on pieces we didn't get to on Saturday. This extra practice was also scheduled for anyone from the other groups who are planning to join us, but it looks like that won't be a big concern.

There's also a mass rehearsal in the Church starting at 5:30 PM that night that Jonathan will be attending. Depending on when that lets out, we'll either practice in the Church or in the new Parish Hall starting around 7 PM.

REHEARSAL UPDATES: Jonathan, Jim, Chip & Kay, Maggie, Ginny, Karina and I met to run some of the tunes for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. 

  • We worked through 'Behold the Wood', 'Calvery', 'The Strife is O'er', 'This is the Day', 'Morning Has Broken', and 'Jesus, Remember Me'.
  • We debated whether 'Behold' will be limited to just the Refrain three times or if we're doing the entire piece. We rehearsed for the latter just in case.
  • 'Calvery' will have an almost rock guitar beat and will be heavy on instruments. We'll definitely need strong voices on this one.
  • We also reviewed and perfected the voice parts for 'Strife'. Depending on the setup in the Hall, we'll try to sing this one a capella in a semi-circle facing the congregation. It'll also be done at a fairly fast tempo to keep it from dragging. The 'Alleluia' segment will only be done at the beginning and end of the piece, not after every verse. 
  • 'This is the Day' will be another instrument and vocal harmony-heavy piece. Don't forget that we're skipping the fourth verse.
  • 'Morning is Broken' will be done in Cat Stevens style, sans the guitar interludes since this is a gathering song. The instrumental intro, etc. can be found in the SS version, but the GC version will be listed in the program.
  • We'll more-or-less do 'Jesus, Remember Me' as we did it last week, but depending on how much time we need, we may cut it short.

  • There are still some pieces we haven't reviewed yet, but they're all familiar. We'll also be meeting the hour before each mass to work out any last-minute details (1 PM Friday and 8 AM Sunday).
  • Our preludes total about six minutes (2 min. for 'Strife' and 4 for 'This is the Day', including transition time), so we'll plan to start those at ~8:50 AM on Sunday.

  • For those unaware, the McGinnis's (from the 11:00 group) will be joining us Friday; Jonathan will be bringing them into the loop on what we're doing so they're prepared. That'll definitely help to bolster our numbers since we'll very likely be on the thin side for that service.
  • Finally, we found out from Barb that we do not have to worry about the Prayers of the Faithful on Good Friday. Father will lead these; we just need to handle the sung response ("Hear our prayer, hear our prayer, God of mercy, hear our prayer").

Holy Thursday:
We are not covering this mass, but if anyone's interesting in joining Barb's group, feel free (Karina and I will be there). This mass is considered a 'combined choirs' event.

Good Friday:
Our program for this mass was left largely intact. There will be no gathering song, since the ministers will process in in silence.

The Psalm is the same as what we did last week, 'My God, My God'. We'll do it exactly the same way; I believe we're still in need of a volunteer to cover it, though.

We didn't get around to working on 'Calvery' or 'Behold the Wood'. We'll review those on Tuesday.

'Jesus, Remember Me' will also be done the same as it was on Saturday, building up instruments and voices and repeating as needed. Note we changed the ending of the song from what we originally came up with to include a violin solo (Maggie), a guitar solo (Barry), another guitar solo (Jonathan), and an a capella refrain to bring it to a close.

Finally, Father requested we do an instrumental piece at the end of the service when everyone leaves in silence. We settled on a reprise of 'Where You There?'. Along with guitar, I'll play the melody the first time on saxophone; Karina and Maggie will do it the second time on flute and violin.

None -- silent procession in & prostration

Response (Eric M.):
GC 29 - My God, My God (Psalm 22)

Gospel Acclamation:

American Folk Melody

Where you there when they crucified my Lord?
Where you there when they crucified my Lord?
Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Where you there when they crucified my Lord?

Where you there when he bowed his head and died?
Where you there when he bowed his head and died?
Oh! Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Where you there when he bowed his head and died?

Where you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Where you there when they laid him in the tomb?
Oh! Sometimes is causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.
Where you there when they laid him in the tomb?

(to be sung before, during and after narrative reading a capella)


(c) 1976, Dan Schutte and New Dawn Music

Cantor:     Behold, behold, the wood of the cross, on which is hung our salvation.

All:            O come, let us adore.

(Repeated three times)

GC 420 - Behold the Wood
GC 418 - Jesus, the Lord

Communion Rite:
GC 419 - Calvary
GC 404 - Jesus, Remember Me

None -- all leave in silence
Were You There? [Instrumental]

Easter Vigil:
Again, we're not scheduled to do anything, but feel free to join Barb's group (I'll be there). If anyone's interested in playing, please let Barb know since space will be limited (due to the visiting brass band). There are also solos/cantor parts that need filled for this mass if anyone's intersted.

Easter Sunday:
For Easter Sunday, we selected several preludes to do before mass. These include 'The Strife is O'er' and 'This is the Day' (verses 1-3 only). For 'Strife', we quickly learned the voice parts in sectionals. We should also time both these pieces on Tuesday so we know when to start them. Report time will be 8-8:15 AM.

We also reviewed the Mass of Remembrance Glory to God, which will be (re)introduced at this mass (as well as Vigil). Since we haven't done a lot with this, please look over the melody lines for the refrain and verses so we're in good shape for Sunday. We're not worrying about parts at this point.

As far as the Alleluia goes, we didn't review this, but I'm guessing we'll be using the regular Mass of Remembrance Alleluia, and not the Lenten version. It's pretty close to the old version, so this shouldn't be an issue.

Father requested that we replace our Sprinkling Rite piece (originally Killoren's 'Living Water') with our Lenten gathering song, 'Come to Us'.

Also, it appears we need to select a Preparation piece (unless I missed something at practice last week?) Our Offertory song will be 'Lift Up Your Hearts'.

Speaking of Deacon Bob, we'll also be doing 'Whom Do You Seek?' for Communion. Someone (I believe Ginny?) raised the excellent point that Barb's group will likely be doing this piece as well Easter Sunday, so their won't be enough copies to go around. I've borrowed a Killoren music folder so I can re-transcribe this piece for our group (I'll try to write it out closer to how it's actually sung). I'll have this new transcription ready in time for rehearsal on Tuesday.

We'll need to briefly review 'Morning Has Broken', 'Sing to the Mountains', and 'He is Exalted' on Tuesday.


First, just a reminder that our report time is 8 AM in the new Parish Hall. We'll begin preludes at about 8:50 AM.

Second, instrumentalists: you may want to bring your own music stands, instrument stands, books, etc. since we'll be sharing supplies with the group in the Church. I don't know how everything is set up, other than we won't have a piano.

Third, I've created a new transcription of 'Whom Do You Seek?'. Again, the folks in the Church will likely be using the original sheet music found in the blue folders. If you can, please print a copy for yourself; I'll also bring some extras.
Finally, just an FYI that I think we'll be using the regular Mass of Remembrance Gospel Acclamation instead of the the Lenten version. That's what's on the board for Vigil tonight.

GC 446 - The Strife is O'er
Voice Parts (soprano) (alto) (tenor) (bass)

SS 82 - This is the Day (vs 1-3)

GC 756 - Morning Had Broken

Glory to God:
Mass of Remembrance

Response (Lisa K.):
GC 435 - Sing to the Mountains

Alleluia (Lisa K.):
Mass of Remembrance

Sprinkling Rite:
Living Water (Killoren)
GC 743 - Come to Us

SS 126 - Lift Up Your Hearts

Holy, Holy:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Remembrance

Lamb of God:
Mass of Remembrance


(c) 1988, 1991, Robert Killoren

Early in the morning after the Sabbath day, 
the women went to the tomb and saw the stone rolled away/ 
While they stood in wonder a stranger came to them.  
Why look you here among the dead, for one who lives?  Jesus lives!

Whom do you seek, women of Israel?  
He is not here. He has risen, 
He is not here, He has risen.  
He is not here, he has risen from the dead.  
Alleluia, alleluia Christ is risen, Jesus lives!  
Alleluia, alleluia, Death is conquered by the Lamb.

Surely he has risen they said when they returned.  
The eleven could not believe what they had heard about the Lord/ 
Peter rose among them and ran unto the tomb. 
There he found the binding cloth and nothing more, and he believed.

Whom do you seek, people of Israel?  
He is not here. He has risen, 
He is not here, He has risen.  
He is not here, he has risen from the dead.  
Alleluia, alleluia Christ is risen, Jesus lives!  
Alleluia, alleluia, Death is conquered by the Lamb.

Later that same day on the road to Emmaus,
two disciples told their story to a man they did not know/ 
That evening at the table the stranger broke the bread, 
then their hearts burned from within their eyes were opened and then they knew.

Whom do you seek, people of Israel?  
He is not here. He has risen, 
He is not here, He has risen.  
He is not here, he has risen from the dead.  
Alleluia, alleluia Christ is risen, Jesus lives!  
Alleluia, alleluia, Death is conquered by the Lamb.

Jesus came among them. Peace be with you my friends.  
You have seen but blest are they who have not seen, yet who believe/ 
Surely he has risen.  He lives with us today.  
We celebrate our new life won by Christ on Easter Day.

Whom do you seek, children of Israel? 
He is not here. He has risen, 
He is not here, He has risen.  
He is not here, he has risen from the dead.  
Alleluia, alleluia Christ is risen, Jesus lives!  
Alleluia, alleluia, Death is conquered by the Lamb.

SS 179 - He is Exalted

OK, I think that's everything, but please do let me know if I missed something or put up any bad info. There's quite a bit to keep track of this week...

Also, in case I don't get around to saying this over the weekend, I wish you all a very Happy Easter, and thanks so much for making Lent such a musical success!

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