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Monday, April 7, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, April 12, 2014

This Saturday is Palm Sunday.
Things went fairly well at mass last week. There were a few minor issues since we had Father Christian filling in for Charlie, but nothing too serious.

The choir area was also a bit tight due to furniture being moved around in preparation for floor cleaning early this week. Everything should hopefully be back to normal by the weekend.

Since we were getting major feedback on the board when it was brought up, I manually balanced the master to try and get it back to a good place.

Our Taize choral piece during Communion, 'Eat This Bread', turned out really nicely -- great job, all! I got at least one compliment on how we sounded after mass.

After mass, several of us took a peek at the new building, which will officially open this weekend (barring any complications). Without revealing too much, it's quite a nice space and the acoustics are excellent :-)

We also worked on 'The King of Glory', 'Behold the Cross', 'My God, My God' (Psalm 22), and 'Jesus, the Lord'.

Finally, we sorted out the voice parts for another Taize piece, 'Jesus, Remember Me'. Jim will be directing this one; he ended up leading the discussion on how to make it a little more interesting to sing the same line over and over. We'll also be doing this piece on Good Friday.

The song structure we came up with for this piece is as follows:

Guitar Intro (Jonathan)

First Repeat
Solo voice on melody (Lisa K.)

Second Repeat
Altos enter (Ginny)

Third Repeat
Tenors enter (Cris & Jim)

Fourth Repeat
All remaining voices on melody enter
(anyone who is in the Choir but wasn't at rehearsal to learn a part)

Fifth Repeat
Flute/Violin enter playing cannon parts (Karina & Maggie)

Entire cycle starts over, but instrumentalists continue playing throughout

Last Time
Flute & Violin drop for guitar solo (Jonathan); vocals continue

Final Repeat sung a capella, slowing at end (all voices & parts)

We also moved 'Jesus, Remember Me' from Communion to Closing after deciding that our Closing song was better suited for Communion.

Since we may have folks from the outside join us for Easter Sunday mass in the Hall, we're tentatively planning to rehearse next Tuesday (April 15th) to work out final details.

Karina is out this week due to a Drumline competition.

There is practice after mass -- who would like to bring dinner?

Here are the songs for this week:

GC 486 - The King of Glory

GC 29 - My God, My God (Psalm 22)

Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Remembrance

GC 418 - Jesus, the Lord

Holy, Holy:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Remembrance

Lamb of God:
Mass of Remembrance

GC 404 - Jesus, Remember Me
SS 172 - Behold the Cross

SS 172 - Behold the Cross
GC 404 - Jesus, Remember Me
Voice Parts: (soprano) (alto) (tenor) (bass)

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