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Monday, September 29, 2014

Songs & Updates for for Saturday, October 4, 2014

This Saturday is the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Once again, Jonathan and I met before mass to plan rehearsal, learn two new songs, and discuss music ministry affairs.

Despite a pretty good rehearsal, things didn't quite go according to plan on several pieces during mass (including 'We Will Serve the Lord', 'Pan de Vida/Lord, When You Came' and the Alleluia), but we made it through.

After mass, Jonathan, Jim, Lisa K. and I stuck around to practice songs for next week. Most notably, we worked on two new(-ish) songs for next week, GC 49 (Psalm 40), 'Here I Am', and GC 697, 'Unless a Grain of Wheat'. Lisa and I stayed for a while longer after Jim and Jonathan left to work on the Psalm. If you're not familiar with either of these tunes, please see the materials below so we don't have to spend too much time learning that before mass this week.

If anyone would be interested in doing the Alleluia this week, please let me know so we're not deciding last-minute -- thanks!

I'm hoping to get underway with song selections for October this week, and to have that ready for the Office by the weekend.

Finally, for those of you who were not aware, tomorrow (9/30) will be Christina's last day in the Church Office. Christina: it's been a true pleasure to work with you over the past several years -- huge thank you for all you've done for us and for putting up with our (at times) less than stellar planning :-) We wish you the best on the West Coast!

Ginny, Joe, Barry, George and Chip are out this week. Karina will be in the building, but tied up with Youth Ministry Sleep-Out Saturday.

There will be practice after mass from 7-8 PM.

Here are the songs for this week:

SS 168 - Cry the Gospel

Glory to God:
Mass of Creation

Response (Cris & Lisa K.):
GC 49 - Here I Am (Psalm 40)

Gospel Acclamation (Jaclyn):
Mass of Creation

GC 699 - We Have Been Told

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation

Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation

GC 848 - Pan de Vida
GC 696 - Lord, When You Came

GC 697 - Unless a Grain of Wheat (vs 1-3)

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