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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, December 20, 2014

This Saturday is the Fourth Sunday of Advent.
Nice job last week, folks -- things seemed to go pretty smoothly across the board.

Jonathan and I met to discuss the plan for Christmas Eve and review a few songs. We looked at GC #82 as well as 'Cherry Tree Carol', one of our Christmas preludes. We ended up using part of our 4:30 rehearsal to work on 'Cherry Tree' after the rest of the group arrived.

Below is the structure for 'Cherry Tree Carol'. There was some confusion on this, and we still need to decide whether this song will be done as a large group, in a small group, or with two soloists.
  • Instrumental intro (guitar, flute & violin)
  • Verse 1: men (unison on melody) w/ guitar
  • Verse 2: men & women (unison on melody) w/ guitar
  • Verse 3: women (unison on melody) w/ guitar & flute 
  • Verse 4: men w/ guitar, flute & violin
  • Verse 5: men & women (in parts) w/ guitar
  • Instrumental verse (guitar, flute & violin)
  • Verse 6: women (unison on melody) w/ guitar, flute & violin
  • Verse 1: men & women (in parts) w/ guitar

After mass, we had an abbreviated rehearsal since both Jonathan and Maggie had to head out. We worked on 'Lo, How a Rose', our Offertory song for next week and a prelude for Christmas Eve. This piece is still rough and will definitely be a bit of a challenge to pull off. I put together a few 'quick and dirty' practice tracks (see below), so please review your parts -- this will be our first priority at 4:30 practice on Saturday. I did not create a bass practice track since we won't have anyone available to sing that part this week.

We also looked at GC #82, the Psalm this week. Jonathan was familiar with this tune, but it appears to be new for the rest of us. I'll plan to cantor this, but please look it over.

This Saturday from 2-4 PM is the Parish Christmas Tree Decorating Party. If anyone is available to sing or play various holiday tunes during the festivities, feel free to drop by. Also, the Church will be setup for the Christmas masses that morning.

I'm hoping to get the songs for 12/27 and January selected this week and will send them off to the Office for approval.

Jim, Maggie and I were discussing this yesterday -- we're looking into getting a dress rehearsal on the board for Christmas Eve mass. The tentative plan is to meet next Tuesday evening, December 23, from 6:00-7:30 PM in the Parish Hall. Stay tuned for details.

Jonathan and Maggie are out this week.

There will be practice after mass from 6:30-8:00 PM. Further details later this week, but for now, we'll continue working on:
  • The parts for 'Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming'
  • 'Cherry Tree Carol'
  • Review GC 352, Silent Night, w/ GC 342, Night of Silence

UPDATE (12/18): after speaking with the Office, we are on the board for rehearsal on 12/23 from 6:00-7:30 PM in the Hall. Please let me know if you can make it!

UPDATE (12/19): the music for 12/27 has been sent to the Office for approval. It's largely a repeat of the Christmas program.

UPDATE (12/19): I've just gotten word from the Office that a cantor is needed for the 8 PM mass to sing GC 93, Proclaim to All the Nations (Refrain I), and the Joy & Peace Alleluia. If anyone is available to do this, please let me know!

Here are the songs for this week:


Penitential Rite:

Response (Cris):

Gospel Acclamation (need one):
Mass of Joy & Peace


Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Lamb of God:
Mass of Joy & Peace

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