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Friday, December 26, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, December 27, 2014

This Saturday is the Feast of the Holy Family.
First, HUGE THANK YOU for such a successful Christmas Eve mass earlier this week!! I was a bit nervous after our chaotic rehearsal on Tuesday, but it all came together quite nicely!

Last Saturday (12/20) was a little messy with several key people out and a couple of new songs. I was over my head directing two choral pieces in Jonathan's absence, but we got through them and everything ended up turning out OK. A few of us stuck around for an abbreviated practice for Christmas Eve, looking over 'Cherry Tree Carol' and a few of the mass songs.

On a much sadder note, for those unaware, we got word on Christmas morning that Deacon Mike's wife Nancy has passed away. Musicians are needed for the funeral on Monday (I put out an email last night with all the info I have at present). Please keep Mike in your prayers this week...

Barb let me know earlier this week that we'll continue to use the Penitential Rite (in addition to the Gloria) through 1/4/2015.

I'm working on selecting music for January and will get those to the Office for approval ASAP -- will let you know of any changes/revisions.

Jim and Karina are out this week.

We have practice scheduled from 6:30-8:00 PM on Saturday, but after all the excitement this week, I'm leaning towards canceling unless enough of you are interested in sticking around (we could start to look at the tunes for January). Please let me know.

For the sake of simplicity, our program for Saturday is largely a repeat of Christmas (sans preludes and extra Communion songs). These are still pending approval as of 12/19:

GC 347 - Angels We Have Heard on High

Penitential Rite:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Glory to God:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Response (Ginny & Lisa P.):
GC 125 - Blest Are Those Who Love You (Psalm 128)

Gospel Acclamation (Cris):
Mass of Joy & Peace

GC 380 - What Child is This

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Lamb of God:
Mass of Joy & Peace

GC 377 - The First Nowell

GC 343 - Joy to the World

Finally, as 2014 comes to a close, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all once more for bearing with me over these past few months during Jonathan and I's transition of leadership. I know I've made a number of changes and experimented with different approaches, so I appreciate your patience, understanding and suggestions as I continue to figure things out.

If I don't see you before the 31st, enjoy what remains of the holiday season and have a Happy New Year!

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