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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Songs & Updates for Saturday, March 19, 2016

This Saturday is Palm Sunday.
Mass last week was once again very solid, and probably one of our strongest in a while. Nice job, all!

Thanks to those who were able to help out with music coverage for the Penance Service on Monday night! I cantored, Kristen played piano and sang alto, and Rose and Steve sang melody. We ended up making it through the printed program most of two times with some additional instrumental songs in the middle.

This weekend marks the final Saturday/Sunday of Lent. I based our Palm Sunday program on what was done the last go around. Note that the format for the first half of Mass is a bit different -- for reference, here's our 2015 program. The format hasn't been confirmed, though, stay tuned for any changes.

Sadly, this will be Kristen's last Mass with us. Again, huge thanks for joining us this past month and adding so much to our Ministry!

OK, now on to the Holy Week. Below is the tentative plan, with more details to follow:

Palm Sunday (3/19):
  • Regular 4:30 PM practice and 5:30 PM Mass.
  • Rehearsal after Mass from 7:00-8:30 PM - review Good Friday/Easter Sunday programs.

Holy Thursday (3/24):
  • Mass at 7:00 PM.
    • Barb's group is covering -- feel free to join them!

Good Friday (3/25):
  • Arrive by 1:00 PM to setup/run the program.
  • Service at 2:00 PM.
    • Jonathan will be covering guitar (Jim is unavailable).
    • Joanne will likely be covering piano.

Easter Vigil (3/26):
  • Note: there will not be regular 5:30 PM Mass.
  • Vigil at 8:30 PM (?).
    • Barb's group is covering -- feel free to join them!

Easter Sunday (3/27):
  • Arrive by 8:00 AM to setup/run the program (Parish Hall).
  • Preludes begin at ~8:45 AM.
  • Mass at 9 AM.
    • It sounds like Jim (and Tom?) will be covering guitar.
    • No piano coverage.

If we need more practice time before Good Friday, perhaps we could get together on Wednesday evening (3/23)? Lets see how things look on Saturday night and go from there.

Also, please let me know your availability for the Masses we're covering so we have a better idea of what our numbers look like. This especially goes for Good Friday, since that service is in the middle of the work day.

Ken, Deb and Mary are out this week.

Procession of Palms:
GC #486 – The King Glory
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

GC #029 – Psalm 22 – My God, My God
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation:
GC #416 – Were You There
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

SS #172 – Behold the Cross
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Remembrance

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Remembrance

Lamb of God:
Mass of Remembrance

GC #881 – Remember Your Love
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

GC #397 – Tree of Life
Materials (sheet music)

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