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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Songs & Updates for Saturday, December 3, 2016

This Saturday is the 2nd Sunday of Advent.
Rehearsal and Mass last week were both a bit chaotic (for the record, I did have a plan...), but everything more-or-less came together. We had quite a bit of new(-ish) material to cover. There was a last-minute switch in guitar coverage, with Jonathan playing in Jim's place. Tom also rejoined us after a long hiatus (welcome back!), and the transition to the new book seemed to go off without a hitch. Thanks for bearing with me and the instrumentalists as we got everything sorted out!

On top of that, Father Charlie was pretty sick and was barely hanging in there for Mass. I've heard that a number of events he's involved in this week were canceled, so I'm not sure how this will affect the weekend Masses. It's possible that we may end up with a visiting priest.

I had a gentleman by the name of Tim approach me after Mass about possibility singing and/or helping out as needed on piano. He's new to the Parish, recently coming over from the Protestant Church, and just started the RCIA program. I didn't get an email address, but he did provide a phone number. I'll see about having him join us in the next few weeks.

I still need to confirm with Barb, but for those of you who were asking, I believe we're covering the 4 PM Parish Hall Mass on Christmas Eve. As previously mentioned, the second 6 PM Mass was eliminated due to low attendance, so the schedule has shifted once again. Will let you know if I hear differently.

Our Christmas program has been drafted, but I'm still sorting out preludes (any ideas, let me know!). The tentative rehearsal plan is to meet this week (11/03) and next (11/10) after Mass for about an hour to look at the music. I'll be out out on 12/17, and am aiming for a dress rehearsal on Friday, 12/23 (probably 7-9 PM). If at all possible, please plan to be at all of these practices.

'People Look East' is on the board for Gathering. We did it last week for the Wreath Blessing as a last-minute addition. A few of us learned the parts, but we were almost completely overwhelmed by everyone else singing soprano (melody). We did the song a capella with instrumental interludes to break it up. I think something along the same lines would work just fine again this Saturday.

We'll start using the Penitential Rite this week. We've had trouble with this in the past, but having piano should help to alleviate many issues. Just remember not to start this too fast; we can always bring the tempo up to match Father, but it's much more difficult to slow it down mid-song.

We're finally doing a different Psalm this week! If anyone would be interested in cantoring (this or any other Psalm this month), let me know.

'God of All People' worked reasonably well last Saturday. I might suggest moving the instrumental verse to the end rather than between verses two and three, though. With an uneven number of verses, this felt a bit awkward. Also, watch your entrances on the verses, and don't forget the Coda :-)

There were some issues holding together 'He Came Down', mainly in and around the triplets. Several of us were trying to take point, which probably didn't help either. I may end up turning this one over to Maggie and/or Jonathan to lead, primarily because they have a better feel for this type of song and how to approach it rhythmically. We should probably spend a few extra minutes nailing this one down so we're good to go for the rest of the season.

UPDATE: 12/01: Eva had to unexpectedly go out-of-town, so she won't be at Mass on Saturday.

GC #318 / GC3 #409 – People Look East
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Penitential Rite:
Mass of Joy & Peace
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

SS #070 – Ps 72 – Lord, Every Nation
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Joy & Peace

GC #331 / GC3 #412 – God of All People
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Lamb of God:
Mass of Joy & Peace

GC #317 / GC3 #395 – O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Materials (audio)

GC #325 / GC3 #402 – Like a Shepherd
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

GC #370 / GC3 #429 – He Came Down
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

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