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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Songs & Updates for Saturday, November 19, 2016

This Saturday is the Feast of Christ the King, and the last Saturday/Sunday of Liturgical Year C.
I wasn't at Saturday Mass last week, so I don't have much in the way of updates (I did help out our counterparts at the 9 AM Liturgy, though :-). It sounds like there may have been some challenges pulling together intros, but I also heard that you guys managed to surprise Father Charlie for his Birthday, so nice job!

The songs for this weekend have been sent to the office for approval (thanks for bearing with me as I handle this month's music 'piecemeal'). Once I get a better idea of what's going on at the planning meeting on Wednesday, I'll move forward with the tunes for the Advent season. I haven't heard anything about changes to the format of Mass for this weekend (sometimes, Father Charlie likes to add/change a few things for this special feast day), so I went with the standard format. Will keep you in the loop if I hear differently.

'I Rejoiced' is once again our Psalm. I try to avoid repeating Psalms since I know using the same one several weeks in a row can get a bit monotonous, but it continues to be listed as the suggested Psalm. If at all possible, I'll switch to something else next week. The rest of the songs should also be familiar.

A few thoughts/ideas for Advent and Christmas: first, assuming this fits with the themes for the season, I'd like to use 'Each Winter as the Year Grows Older' as the Communion song. We've experimented with a couple different arrangements of this in the past (including a lovely, instrument-heavy version that Jonathan wrote). Another possibility is 'Now it is Evening', a simple, fairly short song that Maggie suggested (perhaps as a Communion Meditation?).

I'll need to confirm on Wednesday, but I'm also assuming that we'll be switching to Mass of Joy & Peace on 11/26 (1st Sunday of Advent). I don't want to spent too much time on this since we're pretty familiar with it, but for those of you who were here when Jonathan taught the choir parts, please look those over. I'd love to take advantage of these as much as possible. Resources are up on the Repertoire page.

UPDATE: 11/16: Some of you may have noticed a blurb in the Bulletin on this, but if not, our new songbook will be GIA's Gather, 3rd Edition, rather than the previously-discussed Journeysongs. Spirit & Song will continue to be used alongside the new Gather. More details went out by email. As it stands now, we'll begin using the new materials next week, 11/26. I apologize for the very short notice, but like the rest of you, I only heard about this a day or two ago. You may want to pop by the Church before then and/or arrive early for practice that week to check out the materials in advance.

UPDATE: 11/16: our proposed music for this Saturday, 11/19, has been approved with no changes.

UPDATE: 11/17: from the planning meeting last night, I confirmed both the Christmas Mass schedule, as well as the fact that we'll be switching to Mass of Joy & Peace (no Gloria; Acclamation B). We'll use two common songs throughout the Advent season: for Offertory, we'll sing 'God of All People' (GC #331 / GC3 #412), and for Closing, 'He Came Down' (GC #370 / GC3 #429). More details went out by email.

GC #486 – The King of Glory
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Glory to God:
Mass of Creation

SS #084 – Ps 122 – I Rejoiced
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

GC #593 – We Remember
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation

Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation

SS #157 – Bread for the World
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

GC #658 – Bring Forth the Kingdom
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

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