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Monday, August 12, 2013

Songs for Saturday, August 17, 2013

This Saturday is the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Last Saturday, Zach showed up unexpectedly and we found out it was his last night playing with us before heading off to college. Since we didn't have time to plan anything (we had talked about throwing a party or something), I ended up just saying a few words at the end of mass. Huge thanks to Zach for all his contributions to the group over the past several years, and we wish him well in his future endeavors. It's been fun and a pleasure working with him, and Zach's bass guitar playing has added a truly unique flare to our music.

Also last Saturday, Michaela played piano for us for the first time on the Alleluia. It ended up being a bit rocky, but considering it was her first time playing 'with people', it was a good start. Nice work, Michaela!

Don't forget that Thursday is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation -- masses are being held on Wednesday (anticipated) at 7:00 PM and Thursday at 9:00 AM.

Jim is out again this Saturday and Barry is out through the end of this month (big thanks to Paul for covering once again).

Just another reminder that this coming Sunday is the ground-breaking ceremony for the Fr. Bender Center. Needless to say, the prep work for construction is already underway, with most of the front parking lot cordoned off and unusable. As per Barb's email, preludes for the vespers prayer service begin at 6:20, with Bishop Mark presiding. Since people from all three Choirs are participating and some of the music is unfamiliar, I'd suggest arriving earlier than that (our report time is 6:00 at the latest). The actual ground-breaking will follow the prayer service, and then we'll have ice cream in the Hall. Please join us if you can -- we're up to about 11 people at last count. Karina and I will also be covering one of the Psalms for the service.

Here are the songs for this week:

GC 708 - I Danced in the Morning
(this is one of Father's favorites, so let's make it good :-)

Response (Ginny):
SS 63 - The Cry of the Poor (Psalm 34)

need one

GC 386 - Hosea

Communion Meditation:
any takers?

GC 828 - I Am the Bread of Life

GC 615 - Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

Until Saturday,

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