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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Songs for Saturday, November 2, 2013

This Saturday is the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time.

We should be at full staff this week with Barry, Jonathan, and Karina all being back.

We decided to push back our usual end-of-month practice to this week -- please stick around after mass if you can. Jonathan will be bringing dinner this time, but it would be good to discuss how we want to handle future practices and meals going into winter.

Just an FYI that Jim and I are attending a planning meeting on Wednesday, 10/30 to discuss the music for the Advent season.

Friday is All Saint's Day and a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses are being held at 9 AM and 7 PM, respectively. We are not covering either of these masses, but feel free to join Barb or Anne's groups in singing (they can always use the help for these types of occasions).

Here are the songs for Saturday:

GC 646 - I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say

Psalm (need cantor):
SS 91 - I Will Lift Up Your Name (Psalm 145)

Alleluia (need cantor):

GC 386 - Hosea

GC 881 - Remember Your Love

SS 169 - Awesome God

Happy Halloween, all!

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