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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Songs for Saturday, October 19, 2013

This Saturday is the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Both Jonathan and Karina are out again this week, but should be back next week (10/26). Also, Ginny may or may not make it due to a party; if she does, it won't be until right before mass.

This week, I'm working on putting together our music for November. I should have it ready shortly so you guys will have a chance to look it over before the end of the month.

We also learned that Luke and Dawn may be re-joining us in the near future. In fact, Luke dropped by for our closing song last week (because he was 'feeling it') and added his unique flare to the music.

Finally, any volunteers for the Psalm?

Here are the songs for Saturday:

SS 201 - Seek First
(Originally listed as SS 160, the 'slow' version of the song)

Alleluia (need cantor):

Psalm (need cantor):
SS 86 - With the Lord (Psalm 130)

SS 116 - Holy Spirit

SS 151 - Come to the Lord

GC 617 - Blest Be the Lord

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