Thanks to all who were able to be at mass last week (welcome back, Mr. Jim!), and nice job on 'Weary Traveler'!
After mass, Jonathan, Jim, Ginny, Lisa K., and I reviewed the songs for this week and briefly crashed through 'Shepherd's Care'.
We also looked at a new piece that Ginny found, 'Increase Our Faith', by Vince Ambrosetti. Ginny has ordered the materials for us, and Jonathan will program the piece where appropriate in the coming weeks.
Also, please welcome onboard the newest addition to our group, George, who joined us for the tail end of practice and will be taking over percussion starting this week. We wrapped up practice around 7:50 PM.
Jonathan has begun the coordination efforts for the combined music for the Dedication. Father Charlie is also still working on the program, but with the exception of 'Shepherd's Care' and a Taize piece or two, all the music should be familiar. I'll be putting up a dedicated post for the event as soon as we have a better idea of what's going on.
Jonathan is planning to do some sound system tuning/balancing in the choir section this week (date/time TBA). If you're free to help out, please let him know.
Here are the songs for this week:
SS 105 - Christ, Be Our Light
Glory to God:
Mass of Creation
SS 68 - My Soul is Thirsting (Psalm 63)
Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Creation
SS 196 - Open My Eyes
Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation
Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation
Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation
Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation
GC 654 - With a Shepherd's Care
(no parts -- melody only)
SS 147 - With One Voice
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