There are some people that got cut off or hidden in this shot, but just to give you an idea. |
Since we rehearsed on Saturday from 2-4 for the dedication, from 4:30-5:30 for mass, and on Sunday from 2-3 again for the dedication, we didn't have our usual after-mass practice to review songs for this week. All the tunes should be familiar Good Shepherd classics, though.
UPDATE (7/23):
I found out from the Office today that the Psalm has been changed from GC 125 to GC 27.
Barry, George & Karina are out this week.
There will be practice after mass from 7-8 PM.
Here are the songs for Saturday:
GC 658 - Bring Forth the Kingdom
Glory to God:
Mass of Creation
GC 27 - Lord, You Have the Words (Psalm 19)
Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Creation
SS 200 - Revive Us, O God
Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation
Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation
Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation
Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation
SS 169 - Awesome God
SS 211 - Thy Word is a Lamp
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