I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the holiday weekend!
The music for mass last week was exceptionally strong -- really nice job, all! I was especially impressed with how well 'We Are One Body' went, considering we've only worked on it at rehearsal once so far. We're well on our way to creating a solid, new arrangement of this piece :-)
After mass, Jim, Jonathan, Maggie, Lisa K., and I stuck around to practice. We briefly ran through some of the songs for the next several weeks, wrapping up around 7:30.
I've been discussing this with the instrumentalists, but just so everyone's aware, I'd like to request that all instrumentalists arrive at 4:15 PM for setup and prep. We consistently start about 15 minutes late mainly due to setup and prep, so the idea is to offset that lost time so we're not so rushed. We tried this last week and it seemed to work well, so I'd like to make this the new norm.
UPDATE (9/5): Jonathan needs to leave right after mass due to a gig out-of-town, so I'll be directing rehearsal.
There will be practice after mass from 7-8 PM.
Barry, Chip, and Ginny are out this week.
Here are the songs for Saturday:
SS 119 - I Will Choose Christ
(I mixed up these two songs -- we will not be using SS 105)
Glory to God:
Mass of Creation
Psalm (Jim):
SS 74 - If Today (Psalm 95)
Gospel Acclamation (Lisa K.):
Mass of Creation
SS 137 - The Summons
Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation
Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation
Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation
Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation
SS 165 - We Are One Body
GC 735 - They'll Know We Are Christians
(originally listed incorrectly as GC 753 -- also note this will be our ''jazzed-up' version)
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