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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Songs & Updates for Saturday, October 29, 2016

This Saturday is the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
We were a little short on instrumentalists last week, but ended up with a nice group of singers. Mass was overall pretty solid, and it was nice to 'keep things simple' for a change. Thanks to everyone who was able to be there!

Special thanks to Lisa, Ginny and Barry for helping to cover Joe Perez's funeral Mass last Wednesday. Members of The Second Winds Band headed things up on horns, guitar, percussion and piano. Lisa, Ginny, Barry and I, as well as Denise and one or two others from the Sunday groups, covered the Mass Parts and Communion, while also leading the singing on the rest the songs. It was a lovely liturgy, and I think a worthy sendoff for Joe.

We have a double-Baptism this week. The usual changes have been made to the program. The Gloria will be used as the Gathering song, and 'There is a Well' will be used for the Sprinkling Rite. Beyond that, most everything should be familiar. I did throw in a more traditional tune, 'I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say', for something different, so please look this over if you don't know it.

If there's extra time during practice (like last week), we may want to start looking at music for Advent/Christmas. Quite a few of the details are up-in-the-air, but the holiday season tends to sneak up on us, and we never seem to have quite enough prep time to pull things together. I'm also open to music suggestions, especially in the area of preludes -- I'd be happy to buy music if there's something you'd like to try that's not in our books.

I'm still working on picking the music for November. An Advent Planning Meeting has not been held yet, so any selections I make will be tentative until I get a better idea of what Father (and the other committees) have in mind.

Musicians are needed for the All Saint's Day and All Souls Day Masses next week. Details I have thus far went out by email earlier today. I'll be tied up, but feel free to help out if you're available.

Finally, a quick reminder that I'll likely be out on 11/5 and 11/12. If anyone is also unavailable those weeks, please let us know so we can sort out coverage. Thanks!

UPDATE: 10/26: Jim, Maggie and Jon are planning to do a prelude/meditation before Mass. The tune is 'Grace Revealed', a song that Jim wrote and has done as a meditation before (but it's been quite a while). Looking forward to it :-)

Glory to God (Mass of Creation)

Response [Lisa]:
GC #137 – Ps 145 – I Will Praise Your Name
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Sprinkling Rite:
SS #209 – There is a Well
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

GC #646 – I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation

Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation

GC #696 – Lord, When You Came
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

SS #202 – Shine, Jesus, Shine
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

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