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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Songs & Updates for Saturday, April 8, 2017

This Saturday is Palm Sunday.
Nice job last Saturday! We wrapped up the fifth week of Lent on a high note.

My apologies for the long post, but we still have a few details to work out before next week.

The music for April has been approved with no changes. Check out the songs here.

Palm Sunday is the official start of Holy Week. Like I mentioned before, the structure of Mass will be a bit different. Check out the actual program here (thanks Barb!) for a better idea of how things will flow.

Eva will be cantoring My God, My God for both this Saturday and Good Friday. Keep in mind that we want to retain the same 'feel' from last year, including the added pauses and varying tempo. Take a look at the recording below to see what I mean (we're not exactly following the ink).

Were You There will be done a capella. We'll sing three verses, interspersed throughout the reading of the Passion (one at the beginning and two near the end). Verse two is not in the book.

For Behold the Cross, we'll likely do all the verses. This was the case last year, but I'll double-check with Father before Mass.

As previously discussed, if we could stick around after Mass for a Good Friday/Easter Sunday rehearsal, that would be great! Would anyone be able to bring food, or should I plan to order something?

Singers: please let me know your availability for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. I have a pretty good idea of the instrument situation, but wasn't sure about vocals.

I'm looking for three or four people who'd be willing to sing Calvary in parts. I don't have anything too fancy in mind, just the standard arrangement in the old Gather. I can sing tenor if needed.

Finally, we still need a couple of additional preludes for Easter Sunday. At the moment, the only song I have down is Resucito. I'd like to see some instrumental, small group, large group or solo pieces that can be pulled together relatively quickly.

We have some truly lovely music coming up in the next week or so. It's definitely not our usual fare, but I'd really encourage everyone to give these tunes some extra time and attention. Much like Christmas, we have the opportunity to do music that's only heard once a year, so let's make it something special.

Thanks as always for bearing with me over the past few weeks, and looking forward to a wonderful Holy Week!

Procession of Palms:
GC3 #572 – The King of Glory
Material (audio) (sheet music)

Response [Eva]:
GC3 #033 – Ps 22 – My God, My God
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation:
GC3#511 – Were You There
Material (audio) (sheet music)

SS #172 – Behold the Cross
Material (audio) (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Storrington Mass

Eucharistic Acclamation (C):
Storrington Mass

Eucharistic Doxology:
Storrington Mass

Lamb of God:
Storrington Mass

GC3 #783 – Unless a Grain of Wheat
Material (audio) (sheet music)

GC3 #482 - The Cross of Jesus

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