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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Songs & Updates for Saturday, January 20, 2018

This Saturday is the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Thanks for another solid Mass last week! We were down a few people, but didn't really run into any issues. As always, I appreciate everyone's willingness to step up and fill in the gaps. I'm also glad the weather decided to cooperate -- having to come up with a contingency plan would have made things a bit...interesting.

The signup for our monthly dinner is ready to go and can be found here.

I've also started picking the music for February. Note that we have a Baptism on 02/10, and Lent officially begins on 02/14 (Ash Wednesday). At some point, Father will be calling a meeting with the Music Ministry leadership and Arts & Environment folks to plan the Lenten Season -- will let you know what shakes out.

Just a general note that as of last week, we're using the Ordinary Time verses for the Alleluia. We'll likely continue using Joy & Peace through early February, at which point we'll switch to a different Setting for Lent (TBD).

Jim and Joe are out again this week, but should be back next week, 01/27.

SS #122 – In This Place
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Penitential Rite:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Glory to God:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Response (Lisa):
SS #060 – Ps 25 – To You, O God, I Lift Up My Soul
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation (Ginny):
Mass of Joy & Peace

GC3 #834 – We Are Many Parts
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Lamb of God:
Mass of Joy & Peace

SS #152 – Here I Am, Lord
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

GC3 #796 – I Danced in the Morning
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

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