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Friday, June 14, 2013

Songs for Saturday, June 15, 2013

This Saturday is the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Last week after mass, we very briefly went over a few of the songs. Originally, we were going to swap out our closing him ('Seek First') with 'You Are the Way' (since the people and Father don't know it yet). Now, since Jim may not be at mass this week due to his house move, Barry has revised the program further (Note it has been approved by Father as of yesterday).

I'm also working to post media resources for Mass of Creation, and Barry has been providing us with PDFs and MP3's of songs I'll also make available on the repertoire pages (thanks again, Barry!).

Finally, for anyone interested in participating in Catholic Night at the Spikes with Tyler, Karina and I, you need to put in for tickets/choir reservations by Monday, June 17th.

Here are the songs for this week:

SS 104 - 'Amazing Grace'

Response (Jim):
GC 56 - 'Be Merciful, O Lord' (Psalm 51)
SS 86 - 'With the Lord There is Mercy' (Psalm 130)


SS 160 - 'Seek Ye First'

GC 827 - 'Bread for the World'
SS 119 - 'I Will Choose Christ'

SS 201 - 'Seek First'
SS 213 - 'You Are the Way'
SS 116 - 'Holy Spirit'

There won't be rehearsal after mass this week.

Until Saturday,