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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Songs for Saturday, June 29, 2013

This Saturday is the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time. I don't have much in the way of updates since I wasn't at mass last Saturday.

We'll be wrapping up Karina's music selections for June, and will begin mine next week, July 6th (the complete list has already gone out via email).

I'd suggest a rehearsal after mass this week to go over the music for July (please let me know of your availability). I've tried to select a variety of music (especially pieces we haven't done in a while) and included at least one 'fun piece' for each mass.

Finally, I've put up a considerable amount of multimedia resources (recordings, sheet music, etc.) for songs we've done recently/will be doing. They can be found in the 'Repertoire' sections above. Thanks to Barry once again for digging up some of the harder-to-find materials (especially song recordings from GC...). Make sure to check them out if you need to know what something sounds like.

Here are the songs for this week -- since Father is attending a conference in Seattle all week, he may or may not have a chance to look these over.

GC 682 - 'God Has Chosen Me'

Response (Ginny w/ someone else):
GC 24 - 'You Will Show Me the Path of Life' (Psalm 16; using Refrain III)


SS 170 - 'Be Not Afraid'

GC 699 - 'We Have Been Told'

GC 735 - 'They’ll Know We Are Christians'

New Feature: the songs listed above are linked to recordings -- click to download the file.

Until Saturday,

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