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Friday, June 21, 2013

Songs for Saturday, June 22, 2013

This week is the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

I really don't have much in the way of news this week, other than I wanted to thank Paul once again for stepping up and taking command last week -- things were a little rocky in places, but overall, not too bad.

Speaking of Paul, we talked last week and he had a few good ideas about how to improve us as a group. Most notably, he suggested posting someone in the congregation for a mass and having that person critique the group in detail.

This would 1) give us the opportunity to hear how we sound to the congregation (balance of voices & instruments, etc.) and 2) determine how well our audio equipment is working.

Jim should hopefully be back this week after his house move. Karina and I will NOT be at mass, however. We should be back next week, June 29th.

I would suggest holding a rehearsal on the 29th (next week) to go over the music for July. I haven't finished compiling it yet, but hope to have to ready by then.

Lastly, for anyone participating in Catholic Night at the Spikes on Sunday, we rehearse with Tyler at OLV at 3:00, and perform around 6:05 that evening. Hope to see you there!

Here are the songs for this week (pending Father's approval):

GC 798 - 'Baptized in Water'

Response (Lisa K.):
SS 68 - 'My Soul is Thirsting' (Psalm 63)


GC 695 - 'Only This I Want'

SS 119 - 'I Will Choose Christ'

SS 213 - 'You Are the Way'

There won't be rehearsal after mass this week.

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