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Monday, August 19, 2013

Songs for Saturday, August 24, 2013

Note: starting this week, I'll be sending these blog posts out via email as well as putting them up on the website. This way, we can reduce the number of 'update' emails that go out during the week.

This Saturday is the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Michaela's piano-playing on the Alleluia went very smoothly last Saturday, a big improvement over the previous week -- keep up the good work! Also, Luke L. sends his compliments on an exceptionally good mass overall :-)

Thanks to Ginny and Lisa K. for joining us at the ground-breaking vespers service Sunday. Considering the three choirs rarely come together as one, I think we sounded quite good, and I enjoyed the opportunity to cantor for so many people (there are plenty of photos up on Facebook if you missed the event). A new chapter begins in the history of the Parish, and I'm happy we were able to be part of it. Also check out the article in today's CDT.

I'd also like to suggest we try out GC 556 - 'Canticle of the Turning' sometime. It's one of the tunes Father selected for the ground-breaking, and it's one we could have a lot of fun with. 'Canticle' is an old, fast-paced Irish tune that would make a nice Gathering or Closing song, but could also be slowed down for something else. Let me know what you think.

On a sadder note, please keep Joanne R. (pianist at 11:00) and her family in your thoughts and prayers as they grieve the loss of Joanne's father. A memorial service was held at 1 PM last Saturday.

Jim, Barry, and Paul are all out this week -- once again, huge thanks to Paul for covering the last two weeks. Jim should be back next week, August 31st (correct?).

Finally, due to Labor Day and Grange Fair, maybe we should push our usual end-of-month rehearsal to this Saturday (8/24)? Would that work better for anyone, or would you rather we keep it on the 31st?

Here are the songs for this week:

GC 658 - Lift Up Your Hearts

Response (Cris):
SS 69 - Let All the Earth (Psalm 69)

any takers?

SS 192 - Mountain of God

Communion Meditation:
something instrumental - TBD

SS 163 - Table of Plenty

SS 147 - With One Voice

"My heart shall sing of the day you bring. Let the fires of your justice burn. Wipe away all tears, for the dawn draws near, the the world is about to turn..."

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