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Monday, August 26, 2013

Songs for Saturday, August 31, 2013

This week is the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time.

For those of you who are unaware (I was asked to keep this need-to-know last week), Jonathan is back in town and joined us for the first time since the beginning of Summer. His schedule is in flux for the next month, though, so we'll play it by ear.

Jim was also back this week, but will be out next week. After that, he should be with us regularly for the remainder of the year. Barry should also be back starting in September.

We also rehearsed after mass to go over Barry's music for September -- I know it's a week early, but I wanted to do this while Jim and Jonathan were available. We learned written harmonies for several pieces (the recordings I sent out yesterday). We also have cantors for both the Psalms and Alleluias assigned through the end of September.

Nice work all around, folks -- I'd almost forgotten what it sounds like to be at (nearly) full strength :-)

I really don't have any big news this week, other than we'll be light on people (Paul: would you by chance be available?). Note that we'll be using Ginny's music selections this week as opposed to Barry's (they both picked for the same Saturday). It looks like SS 147 is on the docket once again, which works out nicely since Father was unfamiliar with it last week.

Here are the songs for this Saturday:

GC 708 - I Danced in the Morning
(Father's favorite tune -- remember: we do ALL the verses)

Response (Karina):
GC 95 - All the Ends of the Earth (Refrain II) (Psalm 98)

GC 601 - All that We Have

Communion Meditation:
something instrumental - TBD

GC 695 - Only This I Want

SS 147 - With One Voice

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