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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Songs for Saturday, September 7, 2013

This coming Saturday is the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Jim was out last week, but should be back this week. Jonathan and Paul were present to cover, though (Barry, do you know when you're planning to be back?).

Once again, I don't have much in the way of news this week. First, we begin Barry's music selections for September (anyone know who's planning to pick for October?). Second, don't forget to review the harmony for verse 4 of 'Behold the Cross', which we learned from Jonathan two weeks ago (verse 3 also has harmony if anyone feels energetic :-). Third, the Psalm we're doing as a group, something we haven't done in quite a while.

Finally, Karina and I will be out on the 21st due to Karina's Sweet 16 party. We'll be back the following week. Karina was scheduled to cover the Alleluia that day, so Ginny adjusted the schedule accordingly.

Here are the songs for this Saturday:

GC 774 - Gather Us In

Response (all):
GC 27 - Lord, You Have the Words (Psalm 19)

Alleluia (Cris)

GC 815 - You Satisfy the Hungry Heart

SS 172 - Behold the Cross

SS 202 - Shine, Jesus, Shine

Hope everyone had a good Labor Day!

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