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Monday, July 14, 2014

Songs & Updates for Dedication Service - July 20, 2014


With all the emails floating around, this is a special post for the three Choirs regarding the music and plan for the Building Dedication on July 20th. 5:30 has taken point on organizing and coordinating this effort.

Some of this content will be redundant to emails, but I'm mainly adding it here to to keep it all straight and for record-keeping purposes.

The Program:
As of 7/11, the final program for the Dedication is as follows:

Practice materials for 'In the Lord' (courtesy of Jonathan) are now available below. Materials for 'Shepherd's Care' are forthcoming.

Practice materials for 'Shepherd's Care' (courtesy of Jonathan) are now available below.

GC 654 - With a Shepherd's Care
(soprano) (alto) (tenor) (bass)

SS 177 - Fly Like a Bird

GC 753 - All Are Welcome

SS 84 - I Rejoiced (Psalm 122)

During Blessing:
'Tribute' - by Yani (recording)

After Blessing:
GC 566 - In the Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful
(soprano) (alto) (tenor) (bass)

GC 718 - We Are Called

With the Picnic only a week out, two rehearsals have been planned. The first has been confirmed for 2-4 PM on 7/19 in the Church; the second will be from (2-3 PM) on 7/20 to tweak and finalize the tunes. See Jonathan's Doodle Poll below to vote for potential rehearsal dates/times this week:

If you are unable to attend rehearsals, you're still more than welcome to join us. Regardless, there's a lot going on this particular weekend between VBS prep, the Picnic and the Dedication, so please let Jonathan know if you're planning to sing/play so we have an idea of our numbers.

We will deal with the issues of section transitions, orchestration, and any note-learning that the choir still needs to do. The rehearsal will start out with short sectionals to get everyone on the same page within their sections. The choir will split into four sections and the instrumentalists will stay in the worship space to discuss issues of orchestration and seating for our very large instrumental section.

We've got a lot of instruments represented here, and I am going to need to double check something with the sections I haven't spoken with yet. I think we've decided Mike Siggins is playing bass and that we will be playing musical chairs with the different keyboards, but I'd like to know how many other instrumentalists we're going to have? This is partly to know what kind of assets we'll have, and also to figure out how to manage the space. We've done well so far divvying up the songs so that everyone gets a piece of the action, but we definitely can't have five guitarists and three flutes playing at once. Basically, if you play an instrument other than piano or bass, let me know so I can start to narrow assignments and balance parts. Please notify me ASAP if you are in the group of guitarist, flutists, violinist, etc.

Speaking of sectionals, if we have any singers or competent instrumentalists who would like to take a section for choir sectionals that would be great! It's the simple task of knowing your part and being able to use a pitch pipe or other instrument to get your section started and make sure they have it. I will bring some keyboards and small pitch instruments to get people started if that would be helpful. If anyone feels they'd be willing to do that on Saturday and/or Sunday please let me know so I can know who I have to depend on. 

The Ensemble:

Coordinator/Director.....Jonathan (5:30)

Piano............................Joanne (11:00)
                                     Denise (11:00)

Organ...........................Anne (9:00)

Guitar...........................Jeff (11:00)
Bass............................Mike (11:00)

Alto Saxophone............Cris (5:30)
Trumpet.......................(Hilltop Brass)
Flute............................Karina (5:30)
Violin...........................Maggie (5:30)

Percussion.................George (5:30)


Cantors......................Jonathan (5:30) ('In the Lord' verse)
                                   Barb H. (11:00) ('I Rejoiced'; 'Shepherd's Care' first refrain)


Unrelated Notes:
For those who don't know, I've taken over directing the Vacation Bible School skits this year. I'll need some help resetting the Sanctuary as a stage following the Dedication and before the Picnic. If anyone has the muscle to help move the Alter, I'd really appreciate it, since our timetable for setting up this aspect of VBS is very limited this year.

Also, on a more general note, if you're free in any capacity to help out with VBS setup, that'll be going on Friday and Saturday from 9 AM - 5 PM and during breaks in the action on Sunday.

Please see the previous, separate post for the plan for mass on Saturday.

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