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Monday, July 28, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, August 2, 2014

This Saturday is the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Nice job last Saturday, all! We had plenty of singers to help balance out the instruments.

After mass, Jonathan, Jim, Maggie, Lisa K., Ginny, and I stuck around to work on the tunes for this week.

We experimented with 'Increase Our Faith', a song Ginny discovered at a different parish several weeks ago. We decided to do this in a (somewhat) Taize style as a prelude. The piece will open with a piano or guitar intro and a violin doodle. The ostinato retrain will be done twice at the beginning, before introducing solo verses on top and instrumental parts. After done with both verses, harmony will be added in on the refrain to round out the piece.

We also worked on 'Come to the Water', a classic 11:00 choral piece with plenty of opportunities for harmony.

We played with the instrument parts for 'Table of Plenty', which we'll be doing twice this week for Gathering and Offertory Communion. The former will be a faster and upbeat; the latter slow and melodic. We wrapped up practice around 8 PM.

Finally, if anyone's interested in singing a few patriotic tunes in a small community choir, Catholic Night at the Spikes is this Sunday at 5 PM. See the Bulletin for details. The deadline for reservations was today (7/28), but I'm told plenty of tickets are still available for participants and their families.

UPDATE (7/29): I seem to have accidentally reversed 'Taste and See' (slow version) and 'Come to the Water'. The former will be for Communion, the latter Offertory. Corrected below. There's also a possibility that Father will nix having 'Taste and See' twice in one mass.

UPDATE (7/30): added in sheet music for 'Increase Our Faith' for vocals/guitar, keyboard, flute and violin (thanks Ginny!).

UPDATE (7/30): I found out from the Office mid-morning that, as I suspect he might, Father nixed using 'Taste and See' twice, and has requested we use 'Gather Us In' as the Gathering song in place of the first 'Taste and See'.

There will be practice after mass from 7-8 PM.

Here are the songs for this Saturday:


© 2009, Vincent Ambrosetti. International Liturgy Publications.

Increase our faith, O God; Lord, help us to believe.

 With faith the size of mustard seeds, the mountains will bow down;
Believe and you will have command of all.
There is no tempest fierce enough, there is no storm so strong:
Believe and at your word they shall be calm. (R)

There is no struggle you can know, there is no loss so great;
Believe and you will have the peace I give.
The trees will move if you desire, the sea will be made still.
Believe and death is powerless; you shall live! (R)

sheet music (vocals/guitar) (keyboard) (flute) (violin)

Note: we ended up not doing this prelude, since it wasn't listed in the program and we ran out of time to run it before mass. Will be programmed again in the coming weeks.

SS 163 - Table of Plenty
GC 744 - Gather Us In

Glory to God:
Mass of Creation

Response (Jaclyn):
GC 100 - The Lord is Kind and Merciful (Psalm 103)

Gospel Acclamation (Jaclyn):
Mass of Creation

SS 163 - Table of Plenty
GC 502 - Come to the Water

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation

Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation

GC 502 - Come to the Water
SS 163 - Table of Plenty
(slow and melodic)

SS 184 - I Could Sing of Your Love Forever

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