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Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, November 1, 2014

This Saturday is All Souls Day.
Last Saturday, despite some concerns at practice, mass ended up coming together fairly well. We did not stick around to practice afterward, though.

The music for November has been approved with some minor revisions. The only exception is the music for the First Sunday of Advent, which I'm holding off on selecting until we know what the plan/themes for Advent are.

I'll volunteer to cover the Psalm and the Alleluia this week, unless someone else is interested?

Our new common Communion song for November will be SS #153, 'I Am the Bread of Life'. It shouldn't take much time to prep since we're doing it largely as written and don't have to worry about changing the tempo mid-song, etc..

Since we didn't have a chance to work on this in advance, here are a few general thoughts on how to approach the piece:
  • Maintain a slower tempo throughout.
  • Use an extended instrumental intro along the lines of what we were doing for 'Pan de Vida' to cover going up to receive. This could be covered by a melodic instrument or guitar.
  • A third, instrumental verse could also be added if needed, covered by one or several melodic instruments.
  • This piece has some very nice written harmonies -- these could be added in half-way through the first Refrain or on the second Refrain and then used throughout.
  • The final refrain of this piece is traditionally done a capella.

Jonathan and I will be attending the Advent Planning Meeting on Wednesday evening.

  • We will be switching to Mass of Joy & Peace starting the First Sunday of Advent.
  • Our Common Gathering Song for all of Advent will be GC 329 - 'With Our Hearts Be Born'.
  • Our Common Closing Song for all of Advent will be GC 333 - 'O Come, Divine Messiah'.
  • We will not be using a Common Psalm; instead, the Psalm for each week will be the one suggested by the readings (as normal).
  • For Christmas, we will be covering the 4 PM Christmas Eve mass in the New Parish Hall with Father Charlie.

Just another quick reminder that I will be out the next two weeks (11/8 and 11/15).

Finally, one thing I'd like to do is try to stabilize our rehearsal schedule. We've had several very good practices over the past month or so, but many still feel a bit hit-and-miss to me, and the open-ended finish time makes it difficult to plan. As much as possible, I'd like to return to having full-length practices until 8 PM. This will allow us to work on pieces more consistently and be better prepared for upcoming masses.

Jim, Barry, Joe, George and Lisa K. are out this week.

There will be practice after mass from 6:30-8:00 PM.

Here are the songs for this week:

GC 646 - I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
GC 772 - We Shall Rise Again (vs 1-3)

Glory to God:
Mass of Creation

Response (Cris):
GC 39 - The Lord is My Light (Psalm 27)

Gospel Acclamation (Cris):
Mass of Creation

Litany of Remembrance:
Each time five names are read, repeat sung-refrain after Father:

Refrain: in my body I shall look on God, my Savior.
              in my body I shall look on God, my Savior.

(GC 857 - I Know That My Redeemer Lives)

Commendation Song:
Go, now in peace, faithful friend of God,
as you take our love into Paradise.
God's holy angels will lead you home,
to the wide, waiting arms of the Lord.

GC 641 - Shepherd of My Heart
Choir Parts (Refrain): (soprano) (alto) (tenor) (bass)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation

Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation

SS 153 - I Am the Bread of Life

SS 104 - Amazing Grace
GC 772 - We Shall Rise Again (vs 3-4)

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