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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Songs & Updates for Saturday, November 8, 2014

This Saturday is the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, and also a Baptism.
Before mass last week, Jonathan and I met to plan rehearsal/mass and discuss choir affairs.

We had a fairly small crowd, and despite a rushed rehearsal, things came together very nicely. Great work, all!

We settled on a new arrangement of I Am the Bread of Life with the fast tempo in the book:
  • Guitar intro (four bars)
  • Instrumental Refrain (first time) - flute
  • Instrumental Refrain (second time) - flute, sax, and violin on parts
  • Refrain (third time) - guitar and voices on melody
  • Verse 1
  • Refrain - add in vocal harmony
  • Verse 2
  • Refrain
  • (if needed) instrumental verse - flute and violin
  • Refrain
  • Refrain - a capella

Due to there being an unusually large number of people at mass (perhaps because of the game?), we also ended up repeating verse one after the instrumental verse for more time. Also, unlike what I said in my previous post, we will not be altering the tempo for time.

After mass, Jonathan, Ginny, Maggie, and I stuck around to practice. We reviewed a number of songs for the next few weeks, picked cantors, and reviewed Mass of Joy & Peace, which will be re-introduced at the end of this month. Jonathan also ordered a pizza, so we took a quick dinner break.

Tentatively, Jim will cover this week's Psalm, 'I Rejoiced'. For the week after, Ginny and Maggie will take care of 'Blest Are Those Who Love You'.

Our Offertory song this week is a new-ish one, 'Gather Your People'. It was vaguely familiar when I selected it, but I don't believe we've done it before. We worked the refrain and verses. If unfamiliar, please make sure to look this one over.

It also looks like we're in very good shape with Mass of Joy and Piece. After hammering the voice parts for this setting the last time we did it, we were able to pull it together without too much trouble. Note that due to it being Advent, we won't use the Gloria and the Memorial Acclamation has yet to be selected.

We also discussed a few other events/changes to explore in the near future:
  • Holding a second-annual musician's retreat in January to reorganize and attempt to expand our core group with people who often sing with us at mass but don't stick around for practice.
  • Reestablish having dinner as part of rehearsal, but perhaps only once a month.
  • Put together a dinner/music jam night for the congregation following a Saturday mass.

Karina and I are out this week due to a show we're working on at Bald Eagle. We will also be out the following week for an off-site retreat.

Jonathan will be directing rehearsal after mass from 6:30-8 PM.

Jonathan and I also decided to cancel practice on the 15th due to both he and I being unavailable. If someone would like to step up and take charge of this, please let one of us know; otherwise, we'll resume regular practice on the 22nd.

Here are the songs for this week -- please note we just learned of this being a Baptism from the Bulletin, and have revised the program accordingly:

GC 744 - Gather Us In (vs 1-2)
GC 744 - Gather Us in (all verses)

Gospel Acclamation:

Sprinkling Rite:
SS 209 - There is a Well


Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Doxology;
Mass of Creation

Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation


GC 744 - Gather Us In (vs 3-4)

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