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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Songs & Updates for Saturday, August 22, 2015

This Saturday is the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Mass went pretty smoothly last week. We ran into a few communications issues with the Communion song, but otherwise, no major problems. We also continued using one of the 11:00 sound profiles, which seems to work OK overall. Thanks as always to everyone who was able to be there!

If anyone would be interested in 'relieving' Ginny and Lisa P. on the psalm, 'Taste and See', please let me know. This will be our last week during this piece.

With regards to 'I Am the Bread of Life', I have it on the board for the remainder of August. Let's plan to use the same arrangement we did last week. We'll start out with the guitar intro, followed by two instrumental repeats of the refrain. The first time will be violin only, with saxophone joining in the second time. Voices will start on the third repeat of the refrain. If needed, we can do an instrumental verse after verse two for time, and end the piece a capella. There was a bit of confusion on the transition out of the instrumental verse into what should have been the next-to-last refrain, so watch for cues on that.

As far as the child abuse clearances go, there wasn't much interest in holding an after-mass get-together to work through the forms as a group. In light of that, I'm not planning a meeting, but feel free to let me know if you have questions and we can go from there.

I'm hoping to select the music for September this week and get that sent off to the Office for approval.

Finally, for those unaware, it was announced at mass last week that a member of the 11:00 choir, Lloyd, passed away Saturday morning after a battle with cancer. Please keep the family in your prayers this week -- the funeral will be held this (Tuesday) evening at 7:30 PM.

GC 515 - Praise to You, O Christ, Our Savior
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Glory to God:
Mass of Creation

Response (need one):
SS 62 - Taste and See (Psalm 34)
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation (need one):
Mass of Creation

SS 137 - The Summons
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation

Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation

SS 150 - Bread of Life
SS 153 - I Am the Bread of Life
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

SS 105 - Christ, Be Our Light
GC 708 - I Danced in the Morning
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

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