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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Songs & Updates for Saturday, September 16, 2017

This Saturday is the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
We had another pretty solid Mass last Saturday, and for the first time in several weeks, our full compliment of instrumentalists. Thanks to all who were able to be there!

Father Baker covered for Father Charlie. This wasn't in the original plan, but didn't cause any problems. We nailed all the cues, including entrances on the Mass Parts that are normally sung, but were spoken instead. For those who didn't hear, Father said a service for one of the football teams, and got to watch the game from the sidelines.

There were a couple of issues with intros and tempo, though. Just a general note to watch and listen to each other, especially when we have more than one person playing accompaniment. When we go to start a song, I'm waiting for eyes so we can come in together.

Please take a look at our Communion song, As One Unknown, if you're not familiar with it. We haven't done this song in quite a while. I was trying to mix things up a bit, given how much music is being repeated this month.

A reminder that we have one addition to the program this week, Amazing Grace. This is per a special request for an individual who has a prayer intention on the board. We'll do all the verses, and repeat verse one at the end.

Unfortunately, we can't set the precedent of allowing folks to request songs for prayer intention Masses, so we have strict orders not to announce this song, or to indicate what it's for. It'll simply be listed as a (post-Communion) Meditation. Any questions, let me know.

Thanks for all the responses regarding our first monthly dinner! My apologies if the Doodle Pool (here) caused any confusion -- I was trying to simplify the process and reduce the number of emails flying back and forth. It looks like 09/30 works for everyone, so let's plan to go with that. More details to follow, but I think making this pot luck would be best (rather than one person cooking like we did in the old days).

Ginny is out this week. Looking ahead, Jim is tied up on 09/23, and there's also another wedding scheduled for that afternoon.

UPDATE: 09/16: Joe will be out today. Eva isn't feeling well and won't be there either.

GC3 #576 – Canticle of the Sun (vs 1-3)

Glory to God:
Mass of Creation

Response [Eva TBD]:
SS #077 – Ps 103 – The Lord is Kind and Merciful
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation [Cris]:
Mass of Creation

GC3 #805 – Touch the Earth Lightly

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation

Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation

SS #149 – As One Unknown
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Communion Meditation:
SS #104 / GC3 #645 - Amazing Grace
Materials (sheet music)

GC3 #576 – Canticle of the Sun (vs 4-6)

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