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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Songs & Updates for Saturday, September 23, 2017

This Saturday is the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Considering we were down a few people and had a couple of more challenging songs, Mass last week was pretty solid. Thanks to all who were able to attend!

The individual who requested that we sing Amazing Grace passed along her compliments. We ended up using the GC rather than SS version, since it was in a more comfortable key. The unintended side affect was verses three and four were reversed, which caused some confusion. I should have caught that, so my apologies.

I'm starting to pick the music for October this week. As far as I know, things should return to normal with regards to having different Gathering/Closing and Offertory songs. The Season of Creation will end with a special Feast of St. Francis Liturgy on 10/04 (I believe musicians are still needed if you're free that evening).

There's another wedding scheduled for Saturday at 2:30 PM. As usual, this shouldn't effect practice, but something to be aware of just in case.

Our Communion song is Now We Remain. Much like last week's As One Unknown, this is a song we haven't done in quite a while. Please look it over if unfamiliar. Additional instrumental/vocal parts are in the GC version.

A food signup for our dinner on 09/30 is now live (here). I don't want to get too fancy with this, but just want to make sure all the bases are covered. Let's stay on-site and stick with pot luck for now; depending on how this goes, we could always try something different next time. If I missed anything (or if any questions), let me know!

Finally, on 10/14, a surprise birthday party is being thrown for a former group member. Details went out by email. If anyone else is planning to attend, it might be fun to put together some type of song for the occasion.

GC3 #576 – Canticle of the Sun (vs 1-3)

Glory to God:
Mass of Creation

Response [Davis's]:
GC3 #092 – Ps 145 – I Will Praise Your Name
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation [Ginny]:
Mass of Creation

GC3 #805 – Touch the Earth Lightly

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Acclamation:
Mass of Creation

Eucharistic Doxology:
Mass of Creation

Lamb of God:
Mass of Creation

SS #158 / GC3 #785 – Now We Remain
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

GC3 #576 – Canticle of the Sun (vs 4-6)

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