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Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Songs & Updates for Saturday, December 9, 2017

This Saturday is the 2nd Sunday of Advent.
Thanks to everyone who was able to be at Mass last week! Even with a small group and everything that was going on, we didn't run into any issues. Special thanks to Denise (11 AM Choir) for agreeing to play on short-notice -- she and I ended up tag-teaming it, mainly due to differences in how music is lead/managed at our two Masses.

Mass for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception is being held at 7 PM on Thursday, 12/07. I believe Barb's group is covering.

Our program for Saturday is very similar to last week. The only changes are the addition of the Penitential Rite and a different Offertory song, Comfort, Comfort, O My People. Please look at the choir parts if you haven't already -- this will likely be done a capella.

Lisa and I have an SCCS Christmas concert at 3 PM on Saturday. I'm planning to be at rehearsal/Mass, but probably won't arrive until 4:30-5:00 PM. Instrumentalists may want to show up a bit early to get set up. I'd also suggest looking at the accompaniment/instrumental parts for the Psalm (lovely piece, but a bit tricky in places).

Christmas update: as far as instrumentalists, Jonathan, Maggie, Joe and Bev are onboard. Jim and Tom (tentative) are out. I'm hoping to finalize the Christmas program (as well as the cantor schedule and music for 12/30) this week. A draft of the Christmas program can be found here (notes in red). If you see any problems/issues, please let me know.

A reminder that we have rehearsals for Christmas on Friday, 12/22 (6:30 PM) and Saturday, 12/23 (6:45 PM -- following Mass). The former will be a run-through of all regular Mass music (hopefully in the Parish Hall). The latter will focus on the Children's Program, but we can also look at other music as needed. Report time for Christmas Eve Mass will be 2:45 PM, with preludes starting at 3:40 PM.

Jim and Joe are out next Saturday, 12/16, due to a Group Therapy gig.

GC3 #419 - Each Winter as the Year Grows Older
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Penitential Rite:
Mass of Joy & Peace
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Response (Cris, Ginny & Lisa):
GC3 #062 - Ps 85 - Lord, Let Us See Your Kindness [NEW]
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Gospel Acclamation:
Mass of Joy & Peace

GC3 #413 Comfort, Comfort, O My People
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

Holy, Holy, Holy:
Mass of Joy & Peace

Eucharistic Acclamation (B):
Mass of Joy & Peace

Mass of Joy & Peace

Lamb of God:
Mass of Joy & Peace

GC3 #415 - My Soul in Stillness Waits
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

GC3 #865 - Soon and Very Soon
Materials (audio) (sheet music)

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