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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Songs for Saturday, July 6, 2013

This week is the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time.We're starting a new cycle of music for July, and Ginny already has the songs for August selected. By that time, Jonathan should be back so he'll probably take over song selection.

Father has already made revisions (for the whole month!) and I also made some changes based on what we discussed at rehearsal last week. We have Psalm cantors for all four masses and there's one Baptism next week, July 13th. Finally, Jim will be out on the 13th and 20th due to vacation.

With regards to the Meditation, do we want to do this 1) all together 2) as a small group, or 3) just Jim?

Being that Thursday is the 4th of July, we'll be singing 'America the Beautiful' following the closing song (Father prefers we not use patriotic songs during the liturgy since the liturgy is about God's Kingdom). It might be fun to do this a capella since we don't have piano.

Here are the songs for this week:

GC 658 - Bring Forth the Kingdom

Response (Jim):
SS 69 - Let All the Earth (Psalm 66)

Any volunteers?

GC 397 - Tree of Life/Adoramus Te Christe
SS 137 - The Summons

Communion Meditation:
Come With Me Into the Fields

The fields are high and summer's days are few;
green fields have turned to gold for the harvesting.
The time is here for the harvesting for gathering home into barns.

The harvest is plenty, laborers are few. 
Come with me into the fields.
Your arms may grow weary, your shoes will wear thin.
Come with me into the fields.

The seeds were sown by other hands than yours;
nurtured and cared for, they grew will not harvest them;
But those who have sown will not harvest them;
for reaping will not be their care. (R)

Your eyes have seen the holy face of God, 
hidden from these who are wise is within your heart;
The reign of God is within your heart;
the kingdom of heaven is near! (R) 

GC 676 - You Have Anointed Me

GC 678 - City of God

GC 890 - America the Beautiful

There will be no rehearsal after mass this week.

Happy Independence Day, all!

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