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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Songs for Saturday, July 13, 2013

This week is the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Jim (and possibly Karina) will be out this week. Because of this, Barry has made another minor revision to our program, replacing 'Where Charity and Love Prevail' with 'All That We Have'. The ladder is a fairly new song for us, having only done it a few times previously.

In addition, Ginny has suggested squeezing Killoren's 'We Are the People' somewhere into mass since we'll be celebrating our parish Birthday on Sunday. It might make a good prelude/practice song before mass if Father is willing. Barry is not familiar with this particular tune, though, so I'm not sure if we'll do it or not.

Speaking of Sunday, is there any interest in doing some (very) informal singing at the Picnic? Karina and I will be tied up running activities earlier in the afternoon, but after dinner, we could possibly do something if we have enough people (we could also invite people from the other Choirs). Just a thought.

Here are the songs for this week -- please note it is a Baptism, so the Gathering song is the Gloria and there's a Sprinkling Rite:

Killoren: 'We Are the People of the Good Shepherd'

Mass of Creation 'Glory to God'

Sprinkling Rite:
SS 209 - There is a Well

need one

Response (Cris & Ginny):
SS 56 - Your Words Are Spirit and Life (Psalm 19)

GC 625 - Where Charity and Love Prevail
GC 601 - All That We Have

GC 659 - Blessed Are They

Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness
GC 718 - We Are Called

There will be no practice after mass this week.

Happy Birthday Good Shepherd!  :-)

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